

Research on the Layout and Optimization of Industrial Agglomeration Zone under the Background of Clustering Development in Big City

【作者】 王智勇

【导师】 黄亚平;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 中国大城市的工业发展近20年来都在从中心城区走向郊外相对集中发展,针对中部地区大城市内聚型城市区域化背景以及部分大城市簇群式空间发展的特征,本研究以构建适宜于簇群式城市工业聚集区布局的结构优化模型为重点,系统探讨了中部地区内聚型工业化、城镇化大城市背景下工业布局一般规律,并提出了簇群式空间发展背景下工业聚集区结构优化模型和优化对策。本研究主要运用实证分析及比较研究的方法,借鉴运用地理学、城市规划等学科相关理论及相关研究成果,分析大城市工业聚集区的成长过程、基本格局和特征,总结当代大城市工业聚集区布局的基本模式,提出大城市工业聚集区布局优化的基本思路,并由此探讨大城市簇群式空间发展背景下工业聚集区布局优化对策。全文按照“提出问题——分析问题——解决问题”的技术路线设置了“大城市工业布局的实证分析”、“大城市工业布局的结构优化模型”及“大城市工业布局的优化对策”三个板块进行研究。在第一个板块“大城市工业布局的实证分析”研究中,主要包含两个方面的内容:第一,1990年代以来武汉城市工业用地开发的实证研究。主要通过近20年武汉城市工业用地开发的实证研究,揭示武汉城市工业用地开发特征、空间发展规律以及武汉城市工业用地开发中存在的问题。第二,分析现阶段武汉城市工业空间基本格局、发展特征以及工业空间布局存在的主要问题。在第二个板块“大城市工业布局的优化模型”研究中,通过多种结构模式的提出、评价与选择,构建大城市工业聚集区布局结构优化模型。并选择适合于武汉城市簇群式发展背景下的工业聚集区结构优化模型。在第三个板块“大城市工业布局的优化对策”中,针对适宜于武汉大城市簇群式发展背景下的工业聚集区结构优化模型,提出具体优化对策。结语部分总结了全文观点,并指出本研究之不足,以及对未来研究作出展望。

【Abstract】 In the past 20 years,industrial development in China’s major cities always have began from the urban center toward the outskirts where cities concentrates relatively.Point to the cohesive regional background of major cities in central China as well as the cluster-type spatial development feature of several major cities,this research focued on how to build the optimization model which is suitable for the industrial distribution in cluster cities, discussed the general law of the urban industrial distribution in the context of cohesive industrialization and urbanization in central cities,at last,proposed the spatial structure optimization model and optimization responses of industrial agglomerations in the context of the cluster-style spatial development.This study used empirical analysis method and comparative analysis method both,at the same time,used some relative research results and theories from the fields of geography and urban planning, analyzed the growth process,the basic structure and basic features of industrial agglomerations in big cities,summed up the basic model of the layout of urban industrial agglomerations in contemporary large cities,proposed the the basic ideas about how to optimize the layout of urban industrial agglomerations,and discussed the optimization responses of industrial agglomerations in the context of the cluster-style spatial development.This paper was written according with the technical line of "asking questions——analyzing problems——solving problems" ,set up 3 sections to study separately,which are "the empirical analysis of industrial layout in big cities","the optimization model of industrial layout in big cities" and "the optimization strategy of industrial layout in big cities".In the first section,the study about "the empirical analysis of industrial layout in big cities",which mainly included two aspects: Firstly, the empirical research about the development of industrial land in Wuhan since the 1990s.Through the empirical research to the development of industrial land in Wuhan in the past 20 years,In this part,this paper revealed the characteristics,spatial patterns as well as the main problems of industrial land development in Wuhan. Secondly,the analysis of the pattern of industrial space at this stage in Wuhan.In this part,this paper mainly analyzed the main problems about the pattern of industrial space,the development characteristics and the industrial spatial layout at this stage in Wuhan.In the second section,the study about"the optimization model of industrial layout in big cities",through the proposal,evaluation and selection to a variety of structural model,this paper built up the optimization model of the industrial agglomerations layout structure in big cities.At last,this paper selected the optimization model of the industrial agglomerations layout structure industrial agglomerations ,which is appropriate to Wuhan in the context of the cluster-style spatial development.In the third section, "the optimization strategy of industrial layout in big cities", accorrding to the optimization model of the industrial agglomerations layout structure in the context of the cluster-style spatial development in Wuhan,this paper proposed some specific optimization measures.At the end,the conclusion summarized theview of this paper and pointed out the inadequacy of this study, as well as proposed the prospects for future researches.

  • 【分类号】F424
  • 【被引频次】5
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