

Acorpus-based Comparative Study on Metadiscourse Marker "yòu" in Hong Lou Meng and Its Two English Versions

【作者】 王晓利

【导师】 黄勤;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 元话语(metadiscourse)这一概念最初被认为是“关于话语的话语”(discourse about discourse),它可以协助作者组织语篇,并引导读者以作者所期望的方式解读语篇从而达到作者与读者之间的互动交流。元话语的多种功能是由不同类别的元话语标记语来实现的。本文是对元话语标记语“又”在《红楼梦》及其两个英译本中使用情况的对比研究。在对《红楼梦》中“又”的元话语功能进行分类的基础上,本文详细探讨了“又”的各个功能在两个译本中的再现及其使用情况的差异,并从主观和客观因素两方面解释了差异存在的原因。本文主要采取了语料库驱动的研究方法,文中所得结论均是来自对语料的观察和分析。研究结果主要体现在以下二个方面。首先,本文将元话语标记语“又”按其功能分为了语篇功能和人际功能两大类。其中语篇功能包括顺序标记语(sequential marker),附加标记语(additive marker),并列标记语(coordinate marker)和对比标记语(contrastive marker),人际功能包括含蓄标记语(implicative marker)和评价标记语(commentary marker)。其次,基于对源文本和译文本中“又”的使用情况的对比研究,本文发现元话语标记语“又”的翻译是与其在文中的功能紧密相关的。一方面,在大多数情况下,尽管译文的表现形式有所不同,但两个译本都很好地再现了“又”的各个功能。但另一方面,在一些情况下,由于各种主观因素和客观因素的影响,“又”的使用不但在源文本与译文本中存在着差异,同时在两个英译本中也存在着差异。总之,在对语料观察和分析的基础上,本文对元话语标记语“又”的功能及其翻译进行了比较全面的总结,并得出了一些对元话语研究和翻译研究比较有用的结论。此外,本文对英文写作和翻译实践与教学也有一定的启示作用。首先,在写作过程中,作者对元话语标记语各类功能加以区分并正确使用可以实现语篇的整体连贯,增加其可读性。其次,在翻译实践和教学过程中,应广泛应用语料库驱动的方法。一方面,通过观察语料中所展示的多种语境,学习者可以使用更为准确和地道的英文表达。另一方面,在对单个译本或多个译本进行研究时,基于大量语料所得的研究结果将更具可信度。

【Abstract】 The concept of metadiscourse was initially known as“discourse about discourse”. It is now used by writers to organize their texts into a coherent and reader-friendly writing, and to engage the readers by signaling their attitudes towards both the readers and the propositions. All these functions of metadiscourse are realized in the text by different types of metadiscourse markers.The present study focuses on metadiscourse marker“yòu”in Hong Lou Meng and its two English versions, attempting to compare how it is used in different languages and different translated texts. Firstly, a functional classification of“yòu”in Hong Lou Meng is generated based on the investigation of the corpus. Then the author carries out extensive analysis of the representation as well as the omission of the use of“yòu”across the two languages as well as the two translated texts. The methods used in this study are primarily corpus-driven because all the major findings yielded from this study are drawn from the corpus.Metadiscourse marker“yòu”occurs 3732 times in Hong Lou Meng (those cases used in poetry and idioms are not included). It mainly has two functional categories: textual function and interpersonal function. Results of this study suggest that: 1) Four subfunctions are found under the category of textual function of“yòu”, that is, sequential marker, contrastive marker, coordinate marker, and additive marker; and two subfunctions are found under the category of interpersonal function of“yòu”, namely, implicative marker and commentary marker; 2) The translation of“yòu”is closely related to its function in specific context. On the one hand, most functions of“yòu”in the original text are represented in both of the two English versions. On the other hand, all of the functions are found with different degrees of omission in the translations. Variations in the use of“yòu”exist not only between the original text and the target text, but also between the two translated texts.Apart from its contribution to the study of“yòu”in Chinese and its translations in English, the present study also has some pedagogical implications in the fields of English writing as well as translation practice and teaching. Firstly, during the writing process, the writers should be aware of all types of metadiscourse markers and try to employ them in order to make a successful writing. Secondly, the application of corpus-driven approach should be advocated in translation practice and teaching. The presentation of various contexts of certain expression can help the translators make their translation more accurate and authentic. Moreover, the researchers can do comparative studies across different translated texts of the same original text through quantitative analysis.

  • 【分类号】H315.9;I046
  • 【被引频次】1
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