The Issues and Countermeasure of Macao Government Portal Website Construction
【作者】 邓兆伟;
【导师】 毛羽;
【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士
【摘要】 政府门户网站是电子政务建设与发展的核心、也是政府面向社会提供服务的窗口、公众与政府互动的渠道,政府门户网站建设、运行的好坏,直接关系到政府的形象和电子政务的成熟度,也影响着政府管理、服务的质量和水平。澳门回归已经超过十年,政府门户网站建立至今已踏入第六年,网站的内容和服务质量虽有不断的提升,但网站使用率却很低,存在着政务公开内容狭窄不够深入、在线办事能力低、网站整合度差等问题,离公众的期望仍然有一定差距,与电子政务发展较成熟的国家相比仍然有很大的进步空间。本文共分为四个部份。第一部分为本文的研究背景、大陆外的研究综述和核心概念的界定,这部份主要对政府网站的基本定义与理论、政府门户网站的概念、基本特征、功能定位、发展阶段和项目建设等方面的研究情况进行了整理。第二部分,对澳门特区政府门户网站的发展阶段与目标、建设特色与现况作出了描述,内容主要包括门户网站现阶段的组织平台、主要作用、现有之功能与服务等。第三部分,透过对澳门特区政府门户网站的现况进行分析,并结合电子政务发展成熟国家的经验,清楚地说明门户网站建设中存在的各种问题。第四部分,主要针对澳门特区政府门户网站现存的问题与不足给予优化策略,以完善门户网站的信息内容建设与功能服务为目标,务求给广大市民提供更方便、优质及快捷的公共电子服务。本论文希望透过参阅大量相关文献书籍的理论与实证,针对澳门政府门户网站现阶段的建设状况,并结合澳门电子政务的发展政策,深入分析和探讨门户网站现存的问题,同时借鉴国内外门户网站发展的成熟经验,对澳门政府门户网站的可持续性发展提出具体的优化策略与建议,促进澳门电子政务的发展,实现一站式网上公共服务。
【Abstract】 Government Portal Website (GPW) is the core development and enhancement to the government electronic services. It is also an opportunity from the government to provide services to the society, basically facilitating the interaction between the public and the government. The achievement of the construction and development of the GPW is directly related to the knowledge of electronic services. The immaturity of this function could affect the management and services’quality and standard. Macao has already been returned for more than 10 years and the GPW has already been under service for 6 years. Even though the website’s contents and service has been increased, its usage is still at the very minimum. This problem does not only lies on the poor online management ability, but also the thoroughness of online contents. At the same time, comparing the usefulness of this resource to other developed countries, this utility still need a lot of improvement. Due to this, the expectation from the public has been negatively impacted.This article is divided into 4 parts. The first part provides a background summary of this research, including both domestic and foreign concepts and limitations. The main focus of this section is to provide the GPW’s ideal, functionality, essential features, project development and requirement background. The second part is showing GPW’s characteristics, developments phase, outline its goal and introduces Macao’s present policy on E-government, including the main use of GPW, organization platform and the services that it currently provides. The third part provides a thorough analysis of Macao’s current E-government and GPW, comparing this policy with other matured countries, and describing the problems and the inefficiency of this policy. The forth part provide suggestions and strategies that can improve or resolves the issues and problems that this policy currently faces. From the original goal that the GPW has stated, the online service is to facilitate, speed up and increase the quality of the services the government provides.After thorough analysis of numerous references and theories, issues that Macao’s GPW faces during its development phase, the strategies for E-government policy, discussion of current online services problems, and comparison of successful foreign website/government, this article propose concrete and optimized strategies and suggestions that can promote Macao’s E-government policy’s development, creating a better online service for the public.
【Key words】 E-Government; Government Portal Website; Government Online; Services Online;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 华中科技大学 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
- 【分类号】D676.59
- 【被引频次】1
- 【下载频次】229