

The Study on the BPI of High-Value-product of CT Company

【作者】 张周文

【导师】 刘英姿;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 全面质量管理(TQM)是一个包括理论、工具和培训方法在内的系统,它能达到快速提供服务并能使企业在急剧变化的市场竞争中降低企业运营成本的目的,从而提高了企业竞争力。本文对基于全面质量管理的业务流程优化进行了探讨,以广州CT公司带宽型业务的业务交付流程为研究对象,并以全面质量管理(TQM)思想为基本理念,结合PDCA循环和价值流图分析等具体分析工具,通过对CT公司带宽型业务流程进行优化来实践和验证,最终达到有效压缩CT公司带宽型业务交付周期,从而提升CT公司综合竞争力。本文首先对CT公司带宽型业务发展和工程建设的现状进行陈述;其次对业务流程优化和全面质量管理的历史发展及其相关性进行回顾,它包括了业务流程优化(BPI)和全面质量管理的特点、实施方法和趋势。以及两者之间的关联;第三以广州CT公司带宽型业务流程为例,得出了依靠全面质量管理实施流程优化的技术路线,包括界定问题、确定目标、要因分析、制定措施、监控结果等五阶段。最后得出结论。?研究发现,采用PDCA循环和价值流图分析等分析方法,结合全面质量管理的思想,能有效缩短CT公司带宽型业务的提供时间,并能为CT公司业务流程的持续优化提供参考意见。本文主要贡献在于通过广州CT公司优化带宽型业务交付流程的项目,对影响CT公司业务流程的内因和外因进行了详细分析,证明了论文所建立的基于全面质量管理的业务流程优化方法的可行性和重要性。通过本文所述工作,对CT公司开展带宽型业务业务流程优化,有效压缩业务流程时间等方面的工作提供了具有实用价值的建议。

【Abstract】 The article research the Business Process Improvement (BPI) base on the Totle Quality Management(TQM). TQM can help the corporation to reduce its operation cost and raise its competitiveness in the inconstant environment.The thesis make the high-value-product in China Telecom Guangzhou Branch as the object of the research, and the research is based on the philosophy of TQM. The research used the method of PDCA cycle and the Value Stream Mapping(VSM) to improve the process of the high-value-product. And shorten the lasting time of the product, make the competitiveness of China Telecom higher and higher.At first the thesis introduce the background and the condition of the high-value-product of Guangzhou Telecom; Secondly it looks back the history of BPI and TQM’s development, and the relationship between them, including their feature, the method and trends; Third, it lists the road map of how to use TQM to improve the Guangzhou Telecom’s business process, including five steps: defining, measurement, analysis, improvement and control. At the end the thesis drew the conclusion.The Research finds that PDCA cycle and the Value Stream Mapping(VSM) can reduce the duration of offering the Telecom’s High-Value-Product. The BPI for Guangzhou Telecom’s high-value-product proves the possibility and effectiveness of using TQM in BPI, and the practicability of optimizing the telecom’s product.

  • 【分类号】F272;F49
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】119