

Study on the Popularization of Financial Talk Show

【作者】 刘慧怡

【导师】 石长顺;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 广播电视新闻学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济全球化的不断深入,经济与普通民众的关系越来越密切,已经融入到百姓的生活,成为其中不可分割的一部分。经济的不断发展和老百姓的持续关注,使得大众传媒纷纷把目光投向了财经领域。电视也不例外,在这种“经济热”的形势之下,从中央到地方,财经频道和财经节目如雨后春笋纷纷出现。在众多的财经节目中,财经谈话节目以其专业性的财经内容,和谈话节目独有的人际传播大众化的先天优势,渐渐成为引人注目的财经节目类型。但是国内早期的财经节目一直坚持走“专业化”的路线,以社会精英作为主要受众,从内容到形式都与普通大众保持着一定的距离,总体呈现出一种“曲高和寡”的态势。事实上,关于财经节目的“专业化”和“大众化”取向一直是各方争论的焦点,直到以《头脑风暴》、《波士堂》、《财经郎眼》为代表的新一代财经谈话节目的出现,在受众本位理论的支持下,它们通过对娱乐元素的大量运用而得到了广大受众的首肯,逐步呈现出大众化的趋势。财经谈话节目的大众化以娱乐化为主要特色,这种倾向的出现和火爆,改变了受众对财经谈话节目的一贯看法,在一定程度上突破了财经谈话节目制作的传统思维,拓展了财经节目的覆盖领域。但是大众化的趋势固然打破了财经谈话节目的陈旧模式,却也出现了娱乐化“矫枉过正”的倾向,表现出一味迎合大众口味的媚俗姿态,而忽略了财经信息的价值。财经谈话节目的大众化究竟给我们带来了什么?大众化和专业化?以及财经谈话节目娱乐化的底线在哪里?这些都是本文需要思考的问题。

【Abstract】 With further development of the globalization,economy becomes more and more close to people, which goes into people’s daily life and has been an inseparable part of it. Economy been developing and people been paying close attention to it, makes the media focus on the finance and economies field. So does TV. In such‘hot economy" situation, from central to local, financial channels and programmes have springed up like mushrooms. Among so many financial programmes, financial talk show has gradually caught people’s eyes with the professional topics and the communication advantages.However , the previous financial programmes has always taken the route of“specialization”and focused on the social elites as its main audiences. With its content and its form a certain distance from the common people, it has been too highbrow to be popular. In fact, the financial tropism of specialization and popularization has always been the focus of different parties, until the appearance of such modern financial talk show topics such as "Brainstorm"," Boss Town " and so on. Supported by the theory of audience-based, they are more and more popular with common people with the use of much entertainment element, present a trend of popularization.The popularization of financial talk show has taken entertaining as its main feature. the appearance and developing of such trend has changed people’s consistent view on financial talk show, which has broken through the traditional thought for making the financial talk show to some extent, widen the financial programmes coverage area. However, though popularization has broken the old traditional model of financial talk show, it has also brought another trend of“overcorrect”,showing the vulgar posture of catering for common people’s taste blindly but ignoring the true essence of financial information. Then how shall we trate the entertaining of financial talk show? popularization? or specialization? And what’s the underline of the Popularization entertaining? These are all this thesis should research.

  • 【分类号】G222
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