

The Study of Emergency Management of the Earthquake Resistance and Disaster Mitigation in Shijiazhuang

【作者】 高永强

【导师】 陈国际;

【作者基本信息】 河北大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的快速发展和全球经济的“一体化”,人口、资源与环境的矛盾日益加深,人类自身各种矛盾日趋复杂,大城市已进入一个“高风险”时代。这就对大中城市进一步加强政府危机治理和应急管理研究工作,确保城市安全与稳定,提出了更高要求。特别是总结和反思我国政府在汶川地震救援行动中的表现,我们无法否认,我国在防震减灾应对及处置方面仍存在一些不容忽视的问题与不足。石家庄作为一个距离中国首都北京最近的省会城市和国务院确定的全国地震重点防御城市,进一步加强对地震自然灾害的研究,不断提高防震减灾综合管理水平就显得非常重要和迫切。本文以提高石家庄市防震减灾综合管理水平为目的,从理论上和实证上对石家庄市的自然地质条件和发生地震的可能性进行了系统分析,肯定了石家庄市在地震灾害预防和管理上取得的成绩,借鉴国内外城市在地震灾害危机防范、应急处置和灾后管理上的先进经验,从地震风险管理的法律规章体系、危机防范体系、应急管理体系、公共投入体系和社会教育体系等多方面入手,指出了石家庄市在防震减灾管理工作中存在的问题与不足,并为石家庄市地震风险管理领域的法律规章建设、行政体系建设、应急机制建设、抗震设防机制建设、公共投入机制建设、恢复重建体系建设以及提高社会风险意识等方面提出了切实可行的发展建议,对于加强城市公共管理职能,优化地震灾害危机治理模式,提高自然灾害应对水平,促进经济社会健康和谐发展具有非常重要的理论与现实意义,对于我国风险管理领域的科学研究也具有一定参考价值。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of social economy and the integration of global economic, the conflicts between population, resources and environment are deepening, various contradictions of human beings become increasingly complex, large cities have entered the period of a high risk. This further strengthen the crisis management and emergency management of the government, to ensure the security and stability of the city, and also puts forward higher requirements. Especially Concludes and reflects the performance of rescue operations of our government in the Wenchuan earthquake. We cannot deny that there are still some of the problems and shortcomings in the aspects of response and disposal of the Earthquake Resistance and Disaster Mitigation in our country. The State Department city of Shijiazhuang as a nearest distance of Beijing——the capital of China, it’s the State Council for the National Earthquake defensive city. So to further strengthen the study of seismic natural disaster mitigation, and constantly improve the comprehensive management level is very important and urgent.The purpose of this paper is to improve the level of integrated management in Shijiazhuang, and theoretically and empirically makes a systematic analysis with the natural geological conditions and the possibility of earthquake in Shijiazhuang, and also confirmed the results of prevention and management of the earthquake resistance and disaster mitigation in Shijiazhuang. In reference of the advanced experiences of the domestic and foreign cities, they are earthquake disaster prevention, emergency response, and disaster management. From the aspects of the seismic risk management system of laws and regulations, crisis prevention system, emergency management system, public investment system and social education system, and points out the existing problems and insufficiency of the mitigation in shijiazhuang. And from the following aspects of puts forward some practical development recommendations. They are the field of earthquake risk management, building laws and regulations, administrative systems, and emergency response mechanisms, mechanism of earthquake-proof construction, public investment mechanisms, restoration and reconstruction system and raise awareness of social risk. This is a very important theoretical and practical significance to strengthen the functions of urban public management, optimization earthquake disaster management model to improve the level of natural disaster response, and promote the harmonious development of economic and social health, and also has a certain reference value for the scientific study of risk management in our country.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期