

Dmlc Communication Part of the FPGA

【作者】 袁臻

【导师】 朱杰; 李智慧;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在肿瘤放射治疗技术中,三维适形放疗、调强放射治疗等技术中,电动多叶光栅(dynamic multi-leaf collimator)在其中是不可缺少的,它是精确放疗的大型医疗设备,使得放射治疗从辅助的普通放疗进入到了精确放疗的崭新阶段。它全部由电脑控制,接收并执行计划系统的计划文件,驱动叶片到位遮挡X射线,代替了传统的挡铅和手动光栅,而且大大缩短了病人的治疗时间,深受医生的欢迎。但由于国外设备进口价格昂贵,极大的限制了其发展。本课题通过实践研究,完全自主开发出了新型电动多叶光栅,它具有开野大、稳定、易扩展维护等特点,本文介绍了老的光栅的系统结构,其设计采用了多块FPGA,通过插座和板相连,存在接触不良的问题,而且设计容量小无法进行扩展;同时新的需求要求两边能整体移动,这样两边的通讯不能通过PCB而要通过软线连接。我们采用了分布式的系统建立两边主从关系,通过LVDS技术进行高速通信,两边的处理器负责各自的控制算法,扩充了系统容量且提高了实时性,由于每个处理器的负荷只有以前的一半,所以整个系统驱动的叶片对数可以提高到以前的两倍以上。本人承担了其中的PC控制软件开发和底层的FPGA驱动部分。着重论述了FPGA的通讯模块,利用软硬件协同设计的思想划分系统模块,使得系统层次结构清楚、易维护。根据放疗的4D治疗发展趋势,本文还进行了呼吸信号的采集和预测,进行了预测算法的研究,取得了不错的效果。此外根据实际需要给产品增加了远程更新程序的功能,以便于给用户升级维护。最后实际产品测试和使用都非常稳定,取得的控制方案令人满意。近年来投放市场,产品的精度性能和稳定性非常好,取得了非常高的知名度,深受医院的欢迎。

【Abstract】 In the radiation therapy technology, with the development of 3D conformal radiotherapy and intensity modulate radiotherapy, dynamic multi-leaf collimator is an indispensable equipment. It is a Precision radiotherapy Large-scale medical equipment, it make radiation therapy of the general radiation from the auxiliary entered a new stage of precision radiotherapy, It is all controlled by computer, receive and implement the plan from TPS, drive leaves in place to shelter-ray, instead the traditional lead and manually grating, but also greatly shortened the patients’time, welcomed by doctors. Due to the high cost of foreign equipment, Greatly limited its development.Research on the subject through practice, Developed a fully new autonomous DMLC, It has the characteristics of large size, stability, easy to maintain. This paper introduces the old DMLC architecture, the design use several FPGAs, connected the board with the socket,so there is a problem of the bad connection. And the capacity is so small that can’t expand. And the old way of control is one control panel to control both sides of the leaves, But he needs of the new requirements is both sides is movable, So the communication can not be PCB, but through the soft-wire connection. We have adopted a distributed system,the two sides communication with each other through LVDS, each processor is responsible for their own control algorithms. As the load of each processor is only half of the previous, Therefore, the driven leaves can be increased to more than double the previous.I am responsible for the development of the PC control software and FPGA driver. Focuses on the FPGA communication module, Use the idea of hardware and software co-design module to partition the system, makes the system hierarchical structure clear and easy to maintain. According with the development trend of 4D radiotherapy treatment, We also had a respiratory signal collection and prediction, conducted a study of prediction algorithm, Achieved good results. In addition we need to give products based on the actual increase in the functions of the remote update, in order to upgrade for user, Finally, the actual product testing and the use of very stable, achieved satisfactory control. The accuracy of product performance and stability very good, Achieved very high visibility, Welcomed by the hospital.

【关键词】 电动多叶光栅叶片(DMLC)FPGANIOSDSP