

A Study on Forming Mechanism of Cyberspace Collective Behavior and Coping Strategies

【作者】 杨蕾

【导师】 李本乾;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 传播学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文运用内容分析方法对天涯和强国论坛的周正龙、邓玉娇、瓮安三大网络事件进行了个案分析。本文的主要创新点如下:1.检验了事件因素对网络集群行为的影响。通过事件冲突程度、事件关键进程、事件终结方式等事件变量与网络集群行为的持续时间与热度、态度倾向等关系的检验,发现网络事件因素在网络集群形成中,扮演了导火索的角色;事件发展过程中每一次关键进程都会引发网络集群行为的高峰。特别是涉及政府的敏感事件通常能够在短时间内激起网民的高度关注,政府的处理越不符合网民预期则事件的关注度越高,面对的负面舆论也越多。作者认为网络集群行为是网民对真相和信息的探索,更是平时无法宣泄的情绪,尤其是负面情绪的出口。2.检验了传播因素对网络集群行为的影响。通过论坛环境、发帖人身份、帖子信源、帖子图文形式、帖子长度、帖子议题类型、帖子褒贬词汇等网络传播变量与网络集群事件的热度、持续时间、网民态度关系的检验,发现作为商业论坛的天涯论坛主题帖点击率和回复数都显著高于主流论坛强国论坛。文字讯息与图片视频讯息能够引起同等程度的热度与反响,而主题帖越长,主题帖原创比例越高,则引发的响应热度越强,支持度越高,主流媒体的内容相对无力。同时,高频的贬义词、强烈的感情表达和鲜明的情感倾向可以使主题帖热度攀升,也能够激起网民强烈感情和鲜明倾向的回应,同时也容易引起争议。3.概括出网络集群行为的IEC交互式矩阵型形成机理。综合上述事件因素(Internet Event )、网络传播(Internet Communication)因素与网络集群行为之间关系的检验,研究者发现事件因素、网络传播因素始终贯穿于网络集群行为形成的始终。为此,本研究将上述研究结果整合后,概括出事件因素与网络传播两个维度交互式、矩阵型网络集群行为形成机理。4.提出了应对网络集群行为的事件与传播矩阵管理模式。根据本研究概括的网络集群行为形成机理特征,本研究建立了网络事件与传播形成的矩阵式管理模式。在此基础上,分别对事件进程管理、网络传播管理提出了一些有针对性的建议和措施。

【Abstract】 The paper did case study on the events of Zhou zhenglong, Deng Yujiao and Wengan in Tianya BBS and People’s BBS using content analysis method. The study mainly achieved the following innovation points:1.Examination of influence of internet events factors on the cyberspace collective behaviour. Through testing how the variables of event conflict, events key process, events ending effect on the heat, attitude predisposition and time period of cyberspace collective behaviour, the study found events factors played the role of igniter fuse. Every key process in the event developing process caused a peak of collective behaviour. Government’s relating events were especially sensitive, and evoked high attention within short time. The more government disappointed netizens, the more attention they would gain and more negative opinion would appears. The author thinks cyberspace collective behaviour is the way netizens seeking for truth, and it is usually an exit of cannot expression of emotions, especially negative emotions.2. Examination of influence of internet communication factors on the cyberspace collective behaviour. The study tested how the variables of BBS environment, web postings’source, posters’identity, attitude, emotional words, etc effected on the heat, attitude predisposition and time period of cyberspace collective behaviour. The study found that hits and replys in business BBS Tianya were both more than that of People’s BBS as a main stream BBS. Text messages and photos video message can cause equal heat and response; the longer the subject poster is, the more original content the poster has, the more heat and support it can gain. Content from main stream media is relatively weak. Meanwhile, high frequency derogatory words, emotional expression and sharp emotional inclinations can make the subject get more hits and strong emotional response, but also become easy controversial. 3. Conclusion of the IEC interactive matrix formation mechanism of cyberspace collective behaviour. Summarising the above internet event factors and internet communication factors, the author found these variables working through the whole process of a cyberspace collective behaviour. Thus, the study generalizes the interactive matrix formation mechanism of cyberspace collective behaviour from two dimensions of internet event and interactive communication.4. Proposal the events management - internet communication management matrix model of coping strategy. According to the IEC interactive matrix formation mechanism of cyberspace collective behaviour, the study proposed a events management - internet communication management matrix model of coping strategy. On this basis, the author proposed several effective suggestions on both event process management and internet communication management.
