

High Efficient Anti-reflection Tailoring the Nano Lattice Structure of Compound Eyes

【作者】 丁月蕾

【导师】 张荻; 范同祥;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 材料学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 自然界生物体们所利用的纳米尺度结构被证明是一种较为理想的增黑结构。自然界中存在某些特殊的纳米点阵结构的例子,其微观结构特征对于我们的研究工作有重大意义。复眼结构就是其中非常著名的一种。蝶/蛾复眼显微结构的研究和仿生应用是生物、物理和材料等领域共同关注的研究热点。很多蝴蝶/蛾子利用近似正六边形的小眼面组织和小眼面上纳米圆形突起的点阵阵列来形成一种减反射的涂层,以减少他们自身的复眼反射。受其启发,本研究中我们采用了最高温度为550°C的真空烧结工艺复制了蝶/蛾复眼的纳米点阵结构,与碳材料本身物性相耦合,从而得到了具有高效减反结构的新型超黑碳材料,来进一步提高普通碳材料的光捕获效率,从而为提高材料的光学性能提供了一种新的设计思路和制备途径。我们通过荧光显微镜、KEYENCE三维显微镜、SEM、EDS、拉曼光谱分析、反射光谱分析等方法,分别对蝶/蛾原始复眼与碳化复制产物进行了系列表征工作,并测试了碳化样品的减反射性能。结果表明,复制体很好地保留了原始蝶/蛾复眼的两级微观结构的几何学特征,无论是原始复眼表面密布的近似正六边形的小眼面,还是每个六边形小眼表面的纳米圆形突起的点阵阵列;并且,和无结构焙烧的碳相比较,具有纳米点阵结构的碳材料对整体光的反射损失明显减少,在近紫外-可见-近红外光波段的吸收性能提高明显,能够更好地减少反射以及改善光子收集效率。碳化之后的复制体不仅很好地保留了原始复眼的几何学形态特征,还强化了碳材料的超黑性能。通过蝶/蛾复眼碳化制备高效减反性能材料,自然启示我们即便利用较为简单的材料,只要通过合理精巧的结构微设计,就可以有效改善材料的光学性能。

【Abstract】 The nanometer-scale architectures that biological members using are proved to be an ideal ultra-black structure; there exist some special examples of nano-lattice structure in nature, the micro-structures of which are of great significance for our research work. Compound eye structure is one of the most famous. For instance, some butterflies/moths use hexagonal arrays of nonclose-packed (ncp) nipples as anti-reflection coatings (ARCs) to reduce reflectivity from their compound eyes.In this work , a vacuum sintering process is invited to fabricate anti-reflection nano structures from certain butterflies/moths compound eyes on technologically important carbon materials, in order to improve the performance of light harvesting for carbon materials.Then, the samples are characterized by Fluorescence microscope, Three-dimensional microscope of KEYENCE, field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM), Raman spectra measurements and analysis software, UV-Vis spectroscopy and Near Infrared spectroscopy. The results show that a new nano lattice structure ultra-black material was obtained with better anti-reflection properties than ordinary ones. Through this effective bio-inspired templating technique, the replicas well retained the original microstructure and geometry features, which significantly improved the ultra-black level in the near ultraviolet and visible light, due to the enhancement of photon collection efficiency. The optical properties of the nano structure carbon materials showed an obvious enhanced light harvesting capability in the UV-Vis-NIR wavelength range.With this interesting process to fabricate the nano lattice structure of butterflies/moths compound eyes on technologically important carbon materials, we provide a new idea and design to improve ultra-black material properties. And Nature inspires us that, even with relatively simple materials, so long as we have the rational structure of micro-compact design, we can effectively improve the optical properties of our materials.
