
基于LVDT 和SGS 的微定位控制系统

Design of Micro-Displacement System Based on LVDT and SGS

【作者】 蒋志涛

【导师】 丁汉;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 机械电子工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 纳米定位技术影响着纳米技术(nanotechnology)、纳米科学(nanoscience)、纳米制备(nanofabrication)、纳米制造(nanomanufacturing)及纳米计量(nanometrology)等科学/技术的发展,纳米定位技术是发展纳米计量仪器的基础,同时也是研制纳米制造装备不可缺少的核心关键技术。纳米定位的运动位移在纳米、微米、介观以及宏观(厘米级)范围内,其移动目标的定位精度、分辨率和重复定位定位精度在亚纳米级到几纳米内[1]。纳米定位技术包含驱动器,定位机构,纳米级位移传感器以及纳米自动化(nanoautomation)。在纳米定位技术中,纳米位移传感器是最关键的单元,纳米定位的分辨率,很大程度上取决于位移传感器的分辨率。目前适合集成于直接驱动的压电驱动器的位移传感器主要有三种:电容式、电感式(LVDT,线性可变差动变换器)和电阻应变式(SGS)。本文所做的主要工作为:(1)设计了三通道基于LVDT的微位移检测电路。并使用TRANS-TEK公司的Series 230系列LVDT传感器(量程为±130um),以及螺旋测微器完成了对该电路的验证,实验证明,该电路能非常精密的检测微小位移的变化,理论分辨率为无穷小(分辨率由后续的模数转换芯片决定),实测的线性度为0.01%(测量工具为螺旋测微器和五位半台式数字万用表)。(2)设计了三通道基于SGS的微位移检测电路。并用精密电阻和可变电阻组成的桥式电路对其进行了验证,实验证明,该电路能非常精密的检测微小位移的变化,基于电阻应变式的传感器从理论上讲,分辨率能达到30nm,线性度能达到0.1%。(3)设计了一款基于计算机并口的简易ARM仿真器。实验证明,通过使用一些公开的仿真软件(本系统仿真调试采用的是H-JTAG),该仿真器能很好的完成将程序从上位机下载到目标板的任务。(4)设计了以S3C44B0X(ARM7TDMI内核)为核心的数据采集、处理、显示以及驱动,并扩展了USB接口、以太网接口、RS232接口的目标板,实验证明,该目标板能很好的完成对六路模拟信号(范围为0-10V)的采集、处理,并通过LCD显示六个通道的模拟电压值。

【Abstract】 Nano-position has a great influence on nanotechnology, nanoscience, nanofabrication, nanomanufacturing, nanometrology and many other subjects. Nano-positioning technology is the basics of the development of nano-measurement instrument, it’s also the core and key technology for the development of nano-manufacturing equipment. The displacement of nano-positioning is in the nano, micro, meso, and macro(centimeter) range, and the positioning accuracy, resolution, and repeatability of the moving target are in the sub-nanometer or nanometer positioning accuracy. Nano-positioning technology includes driver, positioning mechanism, nano-sensors and nano-automation, among these, the nano-displacement sensor plays the most critical role, as the resolution of nano-positioning largely depends on it. Now, there are mainly three types of displacement sensors used for the direct driving for the integrated piezoelectric actuator, they are capacitive, inductive(LVDT, linear variable differential transformer) and the resistance strain. The work I have done are:(1) Designed three channel micro-displacement detection circuit based on LVDT. The TRANS-TEK’s Series 230 LVDT sensors(has a displacement range of±130μm ) and the screw micrometer are used for the verification of the circuit. Experiments show that the circuit can be very precise for the detection of micro-displacement. In theory, the resolution of the sensor is Infinitesimal(determined by the subsequent AD conversion circuit), and the measured linearity is 0.01%.(2) Designed three channel micro-displacement detection circuit based on SGS. Bridge circuit is used for the verification of the circuit, Experiments show that the circuit can be very precise for the detection of micro-displacement. In theory, the resolution of the sensor is 30nm, and the linearity is 0.1%.(3) Designed a simple ARM emulator, experiments showed that the simulator plays a good job for the download of the program from the PC to the target board.(4) Designed a data collection, processing, display and drive target board which also integrated USB, Ethernet, and RS232 interface. Experiments show that the target board plays well for the collection, processing, and display of the six channels analog voltage which are in the range of 0-10V.

【关键词】 纳米定位LVDTSGSARM7
【Key words】 Nano-positioningLVDTSGSARM7