

Simulating the Aerodynamic Performance of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine in Time Domain

【作者】 李勇刚

【导师】 何炎平;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 对于风力发电系统来说,叶片作为唯一的汲取能量的部件,在整个风机系统中处于至关重要的地位。本文就是研究时域内叶片以及整机的空气动力学性能。首先,需要仿真出与自然界比较一致的风速序列。本文在已知Von Karman功率谱密度函数的情况下,选择利用自回归滑动平均(ARMA)模型来仿真风速。在此过程中,首先进行开创性的模型定阶工作,这样得到的ARMA模型的阶数将能够更为符合Von Karman谱。随后,在得到了满足可逆性和稳定性条件的模型系数后,建立起短期风速模型。通过对ARMA模型仿真结果的分析,并与已有的风速模型进行比对,结果表明,该模型能够产生满足研究需要的风速序列。本文的第二个工作,就是将仿真产生的风速序列作为输入量,利用AeroDyn和YawDyn程序,研究在自然随机风作用下,动量-叶素理论仿真出来的叶片和整机的空气动力学性能。分别针对是否考虑叶片挥舞运动,支撑结构是固定式亦或是浮式两种情况进行了计算和比较。结果表明,叶片挥舞运动对于风机性能具有至关重要的影响,因此应该在计算时考虑叶片的挥舞运动。同时,浮式海上风力发电机由于其特有的纵摇运动,使得叶片受力变小,但是发电功率的波动和叶片自身在挥舞方向上的振动都更为剧烈。

【Abstract】 Because it’s the unique component of the wind turbines for getting energy from wind, the blade plays the important role in wind turbines. This paper researches the aerodynamic performance of the blade and the whole machine in the time domain.First of all, the wind speed records which accords with nature is required. This paper uses Auto-regressive moving-average (ARMA) model to simulate the wind records based on Von Karman spectral. During the process, firstly the model’s order is identified. Thereby the ARMA model accords with the Von Karman spectral more. Then, the short-term wind speed model is set up after getting coefficients which satisfy the reversibility and stability. Through the analysis of simulation results of ARMA model and contrast with the other model, the conclusion is that the ARMA model can simulate wind speed records which satisfy the need of research.Then based on blade element momentum (BEM) theory, this paper uses the AeroDyn and YawDyn to calculate the aerodynamic performance of the blade and wind turbine. Two comparisons are made. One is whether considering the flap motion. The other comparison is made between the floating wind turbine and fixed wind turbine.The results show, for floating wind turbine, the generator power fluctuates more widely and the flap of the blades is more acute, although the aerodynamic loads of blade are smaller.
