

Seakeeping Analysis of the Large Self-propelling Cutter-suction Dredger

【作者】 蒋昌师

【导师】 刘亚东;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 自航绞吸挖泥船是一种适于航海的工程船,为了安装施工设备(如绞刀架及钢桩台车),通常在船舶首尾设有大型开槽。首尾开槽的存在将对船舶的耐波性产生影响,而耐波性的优劣直接关系到船舶的适居性、安全性以及经济性,因此研究自航绞吸挖泥船的耐波性具有重要的意义。根据绞刀架和钢装台车安装位置的不同,自航绞吸挖泥船在首尾处通常有两种开槽形式,研究哪一种开槽形式的船舶具有较好的耐波性同样具有重要意义。本文选取了三条自航绞吸挖泥船作为计算船型,即绞刀架布置在船首的船型I、首尾无开槽的船型II和绞刀架布置在船尾的船型III,通过对三条船型的耐波性能的计算,对比分析首尾开槽对船舶耐波性的影响和哪种开槽形式的船型具有较好的耐波性能。本文只研究自航绞吸挖泥船在航行时的耐波性,不考虑挖泥作业时的耐波性。首先从船舶在波浪上的运动机理出发,在线性化假设下,把船舶的运动看作普通的刚体运动,按照牛顿定律建立了船舶在规则波中的运动响应方程组,求出了三种船型在规则波中的六个自由度的运动幅值响应函数;随后利用平稳随机过程的线性系统理论并选取适当波浪谱,求解出了船舶在随机海浪中的各种耐波性因素的运动响应谱密度函数,并利用数理统计学的知识对船舶发生危险事件(如甲板上浪)的概率做了短期预报;然后结合具体海域的海浪统计资料,按照相关理论对船舶在特定海域下进行了长期性能预报计算;最后介绍了全面反映船舶耐波性品质的综合评价指标(船舶作业时间百分数)的计算方法,并结合具体海域的海浪统计资料,对船舶在特定海况下的作业时间百分数进行了计算。通过本文的计算得出以下结论:一是船舶首尾的开槽降低了船舶的耐波性,二是绞刀架布置在船尾的开槽形式具有较好的耐波性。

【Abstract】 The large self-propelling cutter-suction dredger is an engineering ship which is entirely ableto navigate in ocean and it’s ship form has marked difference with the ordinary ships because ofthe request of construction arrangement. For example, there are large slot cuts both in the bow andstem to set up cutter frame and steel pile trolley. The slot cuts in the bow and stem will have anaffect on ship’s seakeeping, and how well of the seakeeping concerns the ship’s habitability, safetyand economical efficiency, so it has a significant meaning to study the seakeeping of the largeself-propelling cutter-suction dredger. There usually are two forms of slot cut in the bow and sternof the self-propelling cutter-suction dredger according to the setting position of the cutter frameand steel pile trolley, it also has a significant meaning to study which cut form has a betterseakeeping.In this paper we choose three self-propelling cutter-suction dredgers as the calculate model,ship model I with the cutter frame arranged in bow, ship model II without slot cuts in bow andstem and ship model III with the cutter frame arranged in stern. Comparing the calculation resultof seakeeping performance to the three model, we will find the influence of the seakeeping causedby the slot cuts in bow and stern and which slot cut form has a better seakeeping performance.This text only research the sailing seakeeping of the large self-propelling cutter-suctiondredger, exclusive of dredging state. First, according to 2nd law of Newton this dissertationdiscusses the motion performance of ship navigating in waves and sets up a series of linearequations of ships response in regular waves in case of linearity based on the three dimensionalpotential theory. Solving the equations obtains the six degree of free amplitude response functionof ship motions in seaway. Utilize the theory of linear system of stationary stochastic processesand choose appropriate wave spectra, obtain various seakeeping factors’motion response spectraldensity function in stochastic waves of ship, then utilizing the knowledge of statistics obtain thechanging curves of various seakeeping factors’significant amplitude with the changing course andspeed, from above we can discover the connection between navigational mode and various ship’s motion performance. Then apply the wave data of ocean environment, according to the relatedtheories, to calculate and analyze the long-term prediction of ship’s seakeeping, moreover obtainssome significant conclusions. Finally, the research introduces a computational method ofcomprehensive evaluation index (the percentage of the task time of ships) which can reflect theentire performance of seakeeping of ships, then apply the method to calculate and analyze thepercentage of the task time of ships based on the wave data of ocean environment, and alsoobtains some significant conclusions.The calculation results show that the slot cuts both in the bow and stern will reduceseakeeping performance of a ship, and a ship with the slot cuts like ship model III has betterseakeeping performance.
