

Metrological Analysis and Dynamic Forecast of Wushu Research Papers in Chinese Sport Core Journals

【作者】 马文友

【导师】 梅杭强;

【作者基本信息】 天津体育学院 , 民族传统体育学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 中文体育核心期刊是我国体育类学术研究的顶级园地,其中刊载的各学科论文的内容比较前沿、知识比较准确、实验数据比较可靠,对其进行研究极具代表性。本文通过文献资料、数理统计、逻辑分析、计量分析等方法,选取1998-2007十年间公开发表在13种中文体育类核心期刊上的有关武术方面的论文(不含增刊文章、简介、评论和人物专访等)为研究对象,试图从武术科研的载文、作者、引文等方面进行统计与计量分析,目的在于回顾和总结过去,为下一步更好的开展工作做好准备;同时对武术学科的研究内容进行概要性总结和动态展望,旨为武术理论研究者提供参考依据,为相关人员下一步科研选题指明方向,进而为我国武术这一专业发展奠定理论基础。研究结果为:1.载文:十年间13种体育核心期刊武术发文量呈现稳中有升的趋势。研究内容是社会科学类明显大于自然科学类研究;知识体系是基础理论研究占绝对优势,技术理论研究略显不足;具体研究领域分布不均衡,整体趋势是定性研究向定性与定量研究相结合方向发展。研究方法出现了多样化发展趋势,但是单一研究方法还占很大比重;载文地域分布显示了与经济、文化的高度相关性;省部级以上基金论文与前几年相比有了一定数量的提高,与同期体育类项目均值比较还有一定差距;载文篇均页数3.36页,略低于体育类论文信息含量的均值;武术科研论文平均发表时滞是6.17个月,符合“中国科协1996年优秀期刊评定标准中要求期刊的发表时滞小于280天”的规定。2.作者:中级、副高级职称的科研人员已经成了我国武术核心期刊论文的中坚力量;高学历论文整体呈上升趋势,尤其是近年来增幅较大;作者署名多集中在3人以内,其中合著论文为535篇,合著率为49.86%,论文的合著指数为1.77;武术科研论文核心作者人数为48人,但其发文量占发文总量的比例偏低,相对稳定的作者群还没有完全建立;作者年龄呈现双峰曲线;作者单位绝大多数集中在高校,而各学报则显示出了明显的内向型和地缘性;男女作者发文比例为3比1,大于同期体育核心期刊足球科研论文的男女发文比例。3.引文:武术科研论文引文量较多,多数文章的引文篇数为4-10篇;篇均引文量为7.17篇,已达中文科技期刊论文篇均引文量要求;引文类型以科技期刊和著作为主,约占90%,但有些引文已过于陈旧。4.研究内容现状与展望:武术研究对象和领域越来越广泛、内容越来越精细、越来越注重实效性,但是同时也存在有些研究内容重复,可利用性低,部分研究内容滞后,前瞻性成果少等现象。近年来发展趋势是基础研究还将成为重点,文化研究已成热点,产业化、市场化研究越来越受关注,武术教学改革尤其是中小学武术教学改革将备受重视;武术的国际化发展关系到武术运动推广的生命力,武术的国际化推广传播模式将是新兴的研究课题。总之,随着武术科学的逐渐发展与成熟,未来武术将偏向于运用多学科知识和现代化科技手段展开综合交叉式研究。

【Abstract】 Chinese Sports Core Journals are our country’s top academic research park of sports category,and to study them is highly representative because the contents of papers of various subjects published are more cutting-edge, knowledge more accurate, experimental data more reliable.By these methods of literature, mathematics and statistics, logic analyzer, measurement analysis,selecting Wushu thesis which are published in the 13 kinds of core journals of the sports in the decade 1998-2007 as the research object(excluding the supplement articles, brief introduction, an interview with the comments and figures, etc.), this paper attempt to statistics and quantitative analysis from the text, author, citation of Wushu’s papers. Its aim is to review and sum up the past and prepared for the next step to work better;At the same time,by the summary and dynamic outlook to the study content of Wushu, this paper can provide a reference basis and direct to scientific research topics for theory researchers, and lay a theoretical foundation for the development of Wushu’s major.The results:1 Articles:The amounts of Wushu’s papers has increased steadily which are published in the 13 kinds of sports core journals in past decade;Study contents of social sciences category are significantly larger than the natural sciences research;Knowledge system is that the basic theoretical knowledge accounts for a dominant position, and technology research lie in a relatively small situation;Specific research areas are unevenly distributed,and the general trend is that the reseach is diverting the combination of the qualitative and quantitative from qualitative research.Research methods take on the development trend of the diversification, but a single research method also accounts for a large proportion.The geographical distribution of containing the text shows a high degree of relevance to cultural and economy.Fund thesis above provincial and ministerial level has a certain number of improvement ,compared to previous years ,while it has the gap compared with the projects of the mean PE of the same period.The average pages of these articles is 3.36, slightly less than the average information content thesis of the sports category. The average delay publication of Wushu’s research papers is 6.17 months, in line with the requirement which " the delay publication of outstanding journal which are called by Chinese Association for Science and Technology in 1996 is less than 280 days time-delay".2. Author: The researchers of intermediate, associate advanced title have become the backbone of the papers of Wushu core journals;On the whole,the amounts of the thesis of highly educated and tutor has the trend of increasement, especially the large increase in recent years.The number of authors focus on within 3 persons,and the thesis of co-author is 535, the rate and index of the thesis of the co-author are respectively 49.86 % and 1.77.The numbers of the core author of Wushu research papers is 48,but the proportion which their amounts of publishing paper accounts for the whole is low,so the authors of the relative stability have not yet fully set up.The age of author shows the curve of two peaks;Work units of the vast majority of authors focus on colleges and universities, while the author’s units of all Journals are clearly relivent to inward-looking and geographical position.The proportion which the men and women author is 3:1 is more than the proportion of men and women author who published soccer research documents in the core journals in the same period.3.Citation:The amounts of citations of Wushu’s research papers is more,and the citations of the majority of the articles are 4-10;Average citations of every article are 7.17,which has meet the requirement of Chinese scientific and technical journals thesis.Citation types are oriented mainly by journals and books, accounting for about 90%, but some citations have been too old.4. Research status and prospects:The objects and the fields of Wushu’s studying are more and more extensive, and the contents are increaseingly sophisticated and emphasis on effectiveness,however, some study contents are duplicated, the low availability, and some researches lag behind, lack the outcome of forward-looking.In recent years ,the developmental trend is that basic research will be the stress,and cultural studies has become a focus.The researches about industrialization are more and more concerned.The reform of Wushu’s teaching ,especially in primary and secondary schools, will receive much attention.The international development of Wushu related to the vitality of its promotion, and the mode of its international transmission will be the emerging research topics.In short, with the progressive development and sophisticated of Wushu science, Wushu will be carried out cross-general research in the future which in favor of multi-disciplinary knowledge and modern science and technology.
