

The Revolution of Modern Architecture-Parametric Design

【作者】 吴岳

【导师】 袁逸倩;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我们生活在计算机的时代,我们的设计也必然植根于这个时代。随着计算机应用技术的不断发展深入,有一类建筑以其动感的形体,无与伦比的空间体验在近10年的各种国际设计竞赛甚至实际项目中吸引了人们的眼球,并且越来越多的先锋建筑师和事务所也转投其阵营,而指导这种建筑生成的思想与方法就是参数化设计。参数化设计已经在其他的领域(如工业设计)应用几十年了,而在建筑设计中的应用在上个世纪末才崭露头角。究其原因,主要是在相关软件的开发中,建筑设计方面需要解决的问题相比其他领域更加复杂,而且要牵扯到更多的相关专业,要平衡很多的因素:比如技术、社会、政治、经济等,因此建筑界对参数化设计也就显得不那么敏感了。但是而今,过去以单一、通用为特征的同质社会已经演化为以多样性为特征的异质社会。建筑设计更加强调唯一性、适应性,先锋建筑师的创作任务可以总结为一句话:在复杂的多元化社会中组织并系统地表达社会的复杂性、建筑的复杂性。本文从复杂性科学谈起,介绍了复杂性科学及德勒兹的后现代哲学思想对建筑师的启迪,参数化设计的一些工具方法及其优势以及参数化设计的具体应用,由浅入深、先一般后具体、先理论后应用地来阐释参数化设计,使读者对参数化设计这一流行但运用甚少的设计方式有所了解甚至产生兴趣并转变个人的设计方法。而本文的终极目的也就仅此而已:“科普”是作者对本文的概括。

【Abstract】 We are living in a computer era, of course, our design should be rooted in it. Along with the deepening of the computer application technology, there is a kind of new architecture design has been limelight in various international design competitions and even in actual projects in nearly 10 years ,results in its dynamic form and unparalleled experience of space,so a growing number of pioneering architects and firms are switching to its camp. The guidance of this architectural form is parametric design.Parametric design has been applied in other fields such as industrial design for several decades, but in architectural design it haven’been applied until the end of last century. The major reason is in the software development progress problems need to be addressed in the architectural design are much more complicated than in other fields ,further more architectural design involves more related sciences ,balance of many, including technical, social, political, economic, therefore architectural design is much insensitive to the parametric design.But now, the past community characterized by single and common has evolved into a community characterized by diversity. Architecture design more emphasizes on uniqueness, adaptability. The key issues which pioneer architecture hope to deal with can be summarized as one sentence: Organize and systematic express the complexity of society and the complexity of architecture in diversification society.In this paper, starting with complexity science, the writer introduce the enlightenment of complexity science and Deleuze’s post-modern philosophy to the architects ,technologies and skills of the parametric design, advantages of the parametric design and some examples .The writer interpret the parametric design gradually,so that readers can understand parametric design which popular but we little contact with, even interested in it and change our design method. The ultimate purpose of this article is just "science" which is the summary of this article.

【关键词】 复杂性非线性参数化设计
【Key words】 ComplexityNon-linearParametric design
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期