

Research on Customer Relationship Management’s Application in Direct Selling Business

【作者】 刘学

【导师】 姜福洋;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国市场经济的格局不断的改变,从传统的卖方市场向买方市场转变,企业之间竞争的焦点已经由传统的产品竞争转移到客户资源竞争上来。近些年来,关于客户关系管理(CRM)的研究备受关注,无论从理论上还是从技术上的应用都获得了长足发展。CRM系统代表了客户、关系和管理三大要素,反映了企业在面对经济一体化竞争时,企业方向和战略中心的转移。CRM通常包括以下功能:客户信息管理、产品信息管理、销售管理、客户服务管理和数据分析管理等。作为直销行业,如何借助客户关系管理更好的管理企业的客户,提高公司整体的运营效率,为客户提供优质的服务以及通过CRM的应用来提高企业的效益成为迫在眉睫的问题,构建适用于我们直销企业的客户关系管理模式就显得尤为重要了。本文运用了理论研究与实证研究的方法对在直销行业中客户关系管理的应用进行研究。本文首先阐述了作为软件工具和一种先进管理思想的CRM的基本理论、国内外发展现状、功能模块和结构,论述了直销行业的特点及运营模式。其次通过构建直销行业的CRM模型,根据CRM的设计思路和指导思想,结合直销业的特征以及通过对CRM系统功能的具体需求分析,构建适合直销行业的CRM模型。本文构建直销企业CRM的系统结构模型,主要包括客户呼叫中心、数据仓库和数据挖掘、营销管理系统、销售管理系统和服务管理等子系统。最后对直销企业实施客户关系管理的实际案例进行剖析。直销行业的客户关系管理强调以客户为中心的理念,通过系统的有效实施和管理促使销售人员更好的建立以客户为中心的思想,始终站在客户的角度思考问题,为企业争取更多新客户的同时维护好更多的老客户,促进企业的良性发展,并使管理系统有更好的拓展性,为直销企业经营管理提供更好的服务。

【Abstract】 With market economy changing from the seller’s market to the buyer’s market, the competition focus is transferred form products to the customers’resources. Nowadays the research of CRM(Customer Relationship Management)has been a heated issue. There has been great development in the CRM theory and technology applicance. CRM is the combination of the three important elements; the customer, the relationship and management, it represents the shift of enterprise’s emphasis while facing the global competition. Generally CRM contains the following functions: management of customer information, management of marketing, management of products sale, management of service, customer concern, etc. the direct selling business which implement CRM in order to carry out the enterprise operation mechnism that focuses on customers and to meet the individual demand of customers and establishing a kind of CRM model which can be fully adapted to the direct selling business is becoming an urgent issue.The paper focuses on the research of the CRM’s application in direct selling business integrating qualitative method and quantitative method. And more details are as followed: Firstly, it introduces the fundamental theory of CRM acting both as software tool and an advanced management thought, the research actuality both in and abroad China are introduce, and function, system’s and the tendency of development. Then, it discusses the characteristics, operation model and E tendency of the direct selling business. Secondly, according to the design and guiding ideas of CRM, combining the direct selling business‘s characteristics and requirements, the paper establishes the CRM model in direct selling, which contains Customer Call Center, Data Mining and Data warehouse, Marketing Management System, Saling Management System, Service Management system. Finally, a case of the direct selling business performing CRM is analyzed.This paper shows that the direct selling business must stress the customer based idea in the management system, and through the system to prompt the sales to build the customer based idea, and consider the perspective of the customers in everything, remain more old customer and grow more new customer, and to promote the fine development of the company, prompt the estensibility of management system, and work of the management preferably.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】F274;F713.32
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】634