

【作者】 张子任

【导师】 陈小平;

【作者基本信息】 贵州民族学院 , 经济法学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 对于小产权房这一概念,在不同情况下有不同含义。本文所谓小产权房,是指在农村集体土地上修建的住宅,其中一部分甚至是全部出售给城镇居民。这种房屋的权属证书没有房管部门的认可,仅由乡镇政府或农村集体组织制作。作为我国城乡二元机制下的产物,小产权房具有特殊地域性、价格低廉性、主体众多性及产权缺陷性四方面特征。本文根据不同标准,对现有小产权房做分类阐述,并对小产权房的发展历程及规模做出说明。小产权房发展的原因众多,有城市房价过高、城镇化进程和新农村建设加快、小产权房利益主体驱动、社会保障性住房不足以及土地监察执法缺位等现实原因;同时城乡二元机制下农村土地法律制度的缺陷,即所有权主体虚位、农村集体土地权能不足、土地征收制度弊端,构成了影响小产权房发展的制度因素。这些原因反应出当前我国在房地产市场、社会保障性住房体系、农村土地法律制度、农民权益保护等方面存在诸多问题。基于小产权房合法化所具备的社会基础、实践经验和法律依据三方面可行性条件,以及小产权房合法化所带来的保护耕地、抑制房价畸形增长、维护农民及购房者权益、加快城乡一体化进程、顺应社会发展需要等有利影响。本文赞成小产权房合法化这一观点。在小产权房合法化的前提下,通过采取对现有小产权房从理性角度加以区别对待,改革农村土地产权制度,建立、健全农村宅基地使用权流转机制,改进土地征收制度;同时坚持保护耕地这一基本方针,完善社会保障性住房体系、农村社会保障制度、及城乡二元户籍制度,以实现城乡土地、户籍、社保一元化的目标,为小产权房合法化提供理论与现实条件。

【Abstract】 Small property right house has different meanings in different situations. The paper refers to meaning is constructed on farmers collectively owned lands by the farmers or town level governments who have the ownership of the lands. As the dual structure in urban and rural areas, it is characterized by its special territory, low prices, subjects of a large number, property defects. According to different standards, the paper enunciates the different kinds of small property right house.The practical reasons for development of small property right house are prices on the city of deformity, stakeholder-driven, inadequate social security houses and absence of monitoring the enforcement of land, and the systematical cause is the defect of land the legal system based on the dualistic structure in urban and rural areas, such as absent subject in land ownership, defect of land expropriation system. So, it reflect China’s real estate market, the system of rural land, protection the interests of farmers which are facing many problems.This paper analyzes the legalization of small property right house based on the feasibility of the social basis of available, practical experience and legal basis, and has other beneficial effects, such as protection of cultivated land, inhibition abnormal growth of house prices, maintaining rights of farmers and buyers, speeding up the process of urbanization and so on. Finally, this paper approves the legalization of small property right house.Based on the premise that small property right house is legitimate, the existing houses should be treated differently. For providing theoretical and practical conditions which small property right house is legitimate, we should reform the land property right in rural area, establish and improve the right of land flowing in rural area, improve the land expropriation system, and maintain the basic principle of protecting cultivated land and improve affordable housing and so on. For achieving unified goal of urban and rural land, residence, social security, we should reform the differences household registration system between rural and urban.

  • 【分类号】D923.2;D922.3;F293.3
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】429
  • 攻读期成果