

Study on the Exercising Macro-Control Power

【作者】 陈昆

【导师】 谢甫成;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 经济法, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 宏观调控权历来就是我国经济法学研究的重大课题。它不仅仅具有理论性意义,而且带有更多的实践色彩。现如今,在中央高调提倡政府宏观调控的当下,这种理论上的构建紧迫感更加凸显。权力需要“法治化”,宏观调控权也同样需要遵循这个历史必然。但是,这种历史必然离我们还有一段距离,是需要勇气的一种较量。本文的研究方式就是站在一个动态的角度,对宏观调控权在行使中的某些不规范现状提出质疑,并作出相应的回应。文章的第一部分,主要是对宏观调控及宏观调控权做一个理论上的解析,为后面的研究起个铺垫式的作用。这部分有两个内容,一是用法律的方式解析宏观调控的涵义;二是评述宏观调控权这个特有的法律概念,并阐释出笔者自己的一些观点。文章的第二部分,主要是对一些宏观调控权行使的“应然”理论进行阐释,为后面的问题研究做理论上的参照。在这部份中包含两个主要论点:一是宏观调控权行使的正当性。这个命题是宏观调控权存在的基础,是宏观调控权产生的本源逻辑推导,具有强烈的伦理意义。二是宏观调控权行使应该遵守的法律原则。这也是在论证宏观调控权行使的“应然”形象,是完善宏观调控权行使的必备要求。文章的第三部份是本文的主干内容,也是本文的主要研究对象。这部分内容主要涉及宏观调控权在行使中存在的现实问题,包括权力滥用及恣意等现象。在分析了实际问题之后,本文将继续深入探讨这些问题所带来的消极后果和产生它们的原因。最后,文章的第四部分将提出一些笔者自己的思考。其中包括理论上的思考和机制完善上的思考,为前文涉及的现实问题提供一些针对性的完善观点。

【Abstract】 The macro—control power, being a power what the government is regulating macro—economy of a country, has been a big issue in the economical law. The issue has importance theoretical significance not only, but also has practice significance. In the present, the macro—control’theory of construction is a sense of urgency, because the power was exercised not by law. However, the power exercised by law is a distance for us. Improving it need a courage. Putting questions and answering them, the thesis focuses on the macro—control’exercising just on dynamic perspective.In the part one, it introduces the history of macro—control and analyzes macro—control power. The part has tow points: one is an analysis for macro—control by jurisprudence. Another’s a studying for macro—control, being a Legal concept, and put some opinions of myself.On the part two, for improving practice questions, it mainly analyzes the macro—control power’exercising in theory. This part is two: one part say legitimacy which is an existed basis for exercising. Second, it analyzes the principles which are necessary factors for the power.And third, the part is main of the thesis, also is object of studying. It looks at the questions from the macro—control power exercised in practice, which included the abused of power, etc. After analyzes the practice questions, the thesis will research ill effects from it and cause it of some causes.Finally, in the part four, writer will put some legal suggestions which should improve that exercise macro—control power in practice.

【关键词】 宏观调控权行使法治化完善
【Key words】 macro—control powerexercisinglaw—ruleimprovement
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期