

Econmical Saving Energy Operation Mode of Heating System Based on Heating Medium Temperature

【作者】 刘春菊

【导师】 葛凤华;

【作者基本信息】 吉林建筑工程学院 , 建筑技术科学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国已把资源节约列入基本国策,目前建筑节能也得到前所未有的重视。我国建筑采暖比例大、能耗高,单位面积采暖能耗折合标准煤平均为20kg/m2.年,若与发达国家相同形式的采暖建筑相比较,为发达国家相同气候条件下建筑采暖能耗的1~1.5倍。除了因为建筑围护结构保温不良、供热系统效率不高和热源调节不当等问题导致我国建筑采暖能耗偏高外,还有一个重要原因是普遍存在着“大流量、小温差”运行机制,造成了泵的输送能耗增加和系统末端装置及管材的浪费。本文主要针对集中供热系统的热媒温度与系统初投资及输送能耗的关系进行研究。以长春市的某一集中供热小区为例进行设计计算,计算内容包括:二次网的热媒温度与系统初投资及输送能耗的关系;一次网的热媒温度与系统初投资及输送能耗的关系;集中供热系统采用直接连接、混水连接与间接连接的热媒温度与系统初投资及输送能耗的关系,对计算结果进行理论分析与对比,对热媒温度与回水温度进行优化,并且利用Eexergy分析方法比较了不同热媒温度的Exergy损和Exergy效率。计算结果表明,供热系统的热媒温度对经济性影响较大,热媒温度越高、温差越大,系统管材初投资和输送能耗越小;供热系统的混水连接方式在节省系统初投资及运行电耗方面都显现了很大的优越性,应积极推广使用。本文还提出了运用年计算费用法来确定最佳回水温度,并确定了计算最佳回水温度的方法,当二次网供水温度为60℃时,最佳回水温度为48℃;当二次网供水温度为90℃时,最佳回水温度为64-66℃。利用热力学的Exergy分析方法表明,在以锅炉为热源的供热系统中,应尽量采用高温热媒。适当提高热媒温度,对降低供热系统输送能耗与材料消耗具有显著的影响。本文针对集中供热系统的热媒温度、管网连接方式与输送能耗及材料消耗之间的关系进行了研究,适用于以锅炉为热源的供热系统,对集中供热系统的工程设计、运行管理具有普遍的指导意义。

【Abstract】 The resource-saving has been regarded as one of the basic national policies in our country. At present, the building energy-saving is unprecedented paid more attention . Our country has large scale and high energy consuming building heat supply. Its energy consumption for heating on unit area was 20 (kg/㎡.a) standard coal, which was 1~1.5 times compared to developed country in the same style of building heat supply and the same climate situation. Besides the problems of poor thermal insulation performance of building envelope, low efficient heating system and improper energy source control, which could result in high building heating consumption, another important reason was the prevalent operation mechanism of large flow rate and small temperature difference, which could bring about high transport consumption of pump and the waste of material for the terminal device and pipeline. The relationship between heating medium temperature in central heating system and system initial investment as well as transport consumption is studied in this article.Taking a residential architecture district for example in Changchun, it contain that relationship of secondary network investment as well as operation power consumption and heating medium temperature, relationship of primary network investment as well as operation power consumption and heating medium temperature, relationship of initial investment as well as operation power consumption and temperature difference in connection with heat transfer station, mixing-pump and direct connection. Analyzing the results to optimize heat medium temperature and return water temperature, and compred different heat medium temperature of Exergy efficiency and Exergy loss by Eexergy analysis.The results show that the heat medium temperature of heating system deserve greater impact on the economy, the higher the heat medium temperature, the greater difference in temperature, the smaller initial investment of the system pipe and transport energy consumption;In heating system, connection with mixing-pump has more superiority for saving systems initial investment and operating power consumption, it should be used widely. This paper also proposed the use of cost method in all year computing to determine the optimum return water temperature. when the water temperature of the second network is 60℃, the best return water temperature is 48℃; when the water temperature of the second network is 90℃, the best return water temperature is 64-66℃. Exergy use of thermodynamic analysis shows that as the heat source to the boiler heating system should be adopted in high-temperature heat medium. Appropriately increasing the heat medium temperature, reducing energy consumption and heating system to carry the material consumption has a significant impact.In this paper, the realationship among heat medium temperature, pipe connection, transport energy consumption, material consumption of central heating system are studied, it is applicable to heating system by boiler as the heat source, it has a universal significance on the central heating system design, operation and management. The results show that the heat medium temperature of heating system greater impact on the economy, the higher the heat medium temperature, the greater difference in temperature, the system pipe smaller initial investment and transport energy consumption;In heating system, Connection Type of mixing with water for saving systems initial investment and operating power consumption aspects show great advantages,it should actively promote the use widely. This paper also proposed the use of cost method in all year computing to determine the best return water temperature and the best method of best return water temperature calculation, when the water temperature of the second network is 60℃, the best return water temperature is 48℃; when the water temperature of the second network is 90℃, the best return water temperature is 64-66℃. Exergy use of thermodynamic analysis shows that as the heat source to the boiler heating system should be adopted in high-temperature heat medium. Appropriately increasing the heat medium temperature, reducing energy consumption and heating system to carry the material consumption has a significant impact.In this paper, the realationship among heat medium temperature, pipe connection, transport energy consumption, material consumption of central heating system are studied, it is applicable to heating system by boiler as the heat source, it has a universal significance on the central heating system design, operation and management.
