

The New Century of Competition and Development Trend of China’s Media Research

【作者】 文星

【导师】 王国平;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 传播学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以中国传媒竞争与发展格局为切入点,对我国传媒竞争与发展的内外影响因素、发展趋势取向和体制转制进行探讨。本文认为我国传媒经济总量增长明显势头迅猛。传媒诸元市场份额也相应的在加大,正在积极建立一种“竞合共赢”的关系。格局是趋势的相对成形与凝结,格局之中必然隐藏着新的发展趋势。在此背景下,本文通过对我国传媒竞争与发展内外影响因素的分析,积极探索隐藏于格局之下新的发展趋势与体制趋势,以期对我国传媒的发展有所裨益。本文的研究思路是首先分析我国传媒竞争与发展的格局,紧接着分析影响我国传媒竞争与发展的内外影响因素,然后论述我国传媒的竞争特征与发展趋势取向,最后聚焦探讨我国传媒体制转制,期待为我国传媒的竞争与发展提供些许参考。本文的主要观点有三:1.中国传媒现阶段的竞争特征是:第一,多元并存,但蛋糕需重新切分。第二,受众本位,传媒对受众的尊重与回报。第三,强体壮身,走向集簇与联姻。2.中国传媒的发展趋势取向无论从宏观还是微观上看,都将围绕传媒消费行为、传媒价值取向、传媒价值链三个具有内在逻辑关系的中心展开。3.中国传媒的体制转制使得一些经营性的事业型新闻单位获得企业公民的身份,政府须时刻守望国家公共话语权。

【Abstract】 In this paper, competition and development pattern of China’s media as a starting point for China’s media competition and the development of internal and external factors, trends and institutional restructuring of orientation were discussed. This paper argues that China’s media, the momentum of rapid economic output will increase significantly. Moroto media market share in the increased accordingly, is actively establish a "competing and win-win" relationship. Pattern is the trend of the relative shape and hardens, the pattern of the inevitable hidden among the new trends. In this context, this article through our media competition and the development of an analysis of internal and external factors, and actively explore the hidden patterns under the new trends and institutional trends, with a view to the development of China’s media have been helpful.This study is the first analysis of ideas and development of China’s pattern of media competition, followed by impact analysis anddevelopment of media competition in China’s internal and external factors, then describes the characteristics of China’s mass media competition and development trend of orientation, focus of the final conversion of China’s media system and look forward to China’s media competition and the development of a little information.Main points of this article are threefold: 1. Competition in the Chinese media at the present stage is characterized by: first, multiple co-exist, but the cake to be re-segmentation. Second, the audience’s perspective, the media audience the respect and rewards. Third, strong Tizhuang body towards clustering and marriage. 2. The orientation of the development trend of China’s media in terms of macro or micro perspective, the media will focus on consumer behavior, media values, the media value chain, with three centers to the intrinsic logic of the relationship. 3. institutional restructuring of the Chinese media has led some commercial-type information unit is the cause of corporate citizen, the Government shall at all times the right to watch the national and public discourse.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期