The Internal and External Openness of Commodity Market and China Economic Growth
【作者】 郭素梅;
【导师】 李海峥;
【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 国际贸易学, 2009, 硕士
【摘要】 改革开放三十年,中国经济的高速增长为世界所瞩目,且市场的对外开放程度不断提高,并得到各界公认;然而其对内开放程度却备受争议,甚至不少研究都认为中国的国内市场正在走向“非一体化”。中国国内市场的开放程度究竟如何?市场的对内开放由哪些因素决定?市场的开放对经济的高速增长发挥了怎样的作用?本文在分析了市场内外开放和经济增长相互影响的作用机制后,利用中国29个省(市)1995年至2007年的面板数据,对以上问题进行了深入研究。同时,鉴于数据的可得性,本文选择了商品市场的内外开放作为研究对象。在总结借鉴前人的研究成果的基础上,我们选用了“相对价格方差”合理度量了中国国内省级商品市场的对内开放程度。结果表明,1995-2007年中国省级商品市场的对内开放程度是不断提高的,而并非如前人所言的走向“非一体化”。考虑到市场对内开放和经济增长两者之间可能存在的内生性,本文建立了两者内生影响的联立方程模型,以求避免可能的联立内生性偏误。研究结果表明,虽然当前中国的经济增长仍主要由投资拉动,但商品市场的内外开放也都显著地促进了经济增长,并且在相对不发达地区的这种促进作用表现更加明显。同时,经济增长也显著地促进了市场的对内开放,而对外开放在一定程度上对对内开放产生了“替代效应”。根据实证分析结果,本文从对外开放和对内开放两方面给出了相关的政策建议。
【Abstract】 China’s reform and opening up had been going on for three decades, the magical speed of economic growth in this period made China to be the focus of the world. And the external opening was kept rising and got generally understood. However, there is a argument about the opening of the internal market, some researches even claimed that Chinese domestic market became”unintegrated”in the reform period. How far does Chinese domestic market’s opening have gone? What determined the inter-provincial markets’openess? And what’s the role of the opening playing in the China economic growth? The paper analyzes the interaction mechanism between the internal opening and economic growth, and make a deep research on the above problems, Using the 29 provinces’pool data from 1995 to 2007.Specially, we chose the commodity market as the research objective for the data’s’availability.We conclude and draw form the previous studies, then take“variance of the relative prices”as the measurement of inter-provincial commodity market opening. The result shows that between 1995 to 2007, the extent of inter-provincial market’s opening was broadening, rather than the trend of“unintegration”.Account for the possibility of endogeny between the inter-provincial market opening and the economic growth, we conduct a simultaneous equation model to avoid simultaneous endogenous bias. The result shows that the external and internal openness of commodity market benefits the China economic growth remarkably, and the benefit performs more significantly in the relatively undeveloped regions. But, to some extent, the external openness has played“substitution effect”to the internal openness. And Chinese economic growth was still mainly promoted by the investment. According these empirical results, the paper comes up with relative policies from respects of external and internal opening.
【Key words】 economic growth; commodity market; internal opening; external opening; SEM;
- 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学 【网络出版年期】2012年 03期
- 【分类号】F224;F124
- 【下载频次】79