

Research on the Developing Strategy of Shanghai F-Net Co, Ltd

【作者】 赵毅

【导师】 马超群;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,我国中小企业发展不断加快,不但成为推动国民经济持续快速发展的重要力量,而且在改善经济结构和城乡关系、扩大社会就业、保持社会安定等方面发挥了不可替代的作用。但随着我国市场经济体制的日益完善,对外开放的程度不断扩大,企业的竞争的重心逐渐从过去的产品竞争前移到发展战略的竞争,企业面临的竞争压力也日益加大。在这种新形势下,中小企业要在众多巨型和大型企业的夹缝中求生存,就必须找准自身定位,制定一套既适合本企业特点又切实有效的发展战略,抓住机遇,加快发展。上海慧锦网络科技有限公司是一家随着光通信技术和互联网的发展而迅速成长起来的光纤光缆制造企业。虽然公司发展过程中也做过一些短期的发展规划,但这些规划仅仅是针对短期市场发展而做的年度工作计划,没有针对公司发展的外部环境和自身特点进行系统分析,制订出符合公司特色的长期发展战略。导致公司在进一步做大过程中,缺乏明确的定位和发展方向。同时,公司地处我国中小企业相对比较集中的长三角一带,具有一定的代表性,因此,本文以上海慧锦网络科技有限公司作为研究对象。本文按照战略管理的基本理论,运用PEST分析和迈克尔.波特五种力量模型,分析了中国光纤光缆行业的现状和市场的基本状态,并运用外部因素评价矩阵对该公司面临的战略环境进行了分析,形成了公司发展战略环境的一个总体性评价;运用内部资源和能力分析的方法对公司自身特点进行分析,得出公司的优势和劣势,并运用内部因素评价矩阵对公司的内部条件形成了一个总体性评价;然后运用SWOT分析法对慧锦公司战略发展环境和内部条件进行了综合分析,在此基础上得出了公司应该选择实施增长型发展战略,并提出了公司发展战略的阶段和重点。最后,就如何保证发展战略的有效实施,在公司组织结构、营销策略、人力资源等方面提出了一些具体实施策略。本人希望通过对慧锦公司发展战略的分析研究,能对该公司的下一步发展提供指导作用,并对类似慧锦公司的中小企业在如何应对当前的市场环境,发挥自身优势,突破发展瓶颈,制订适合企业特点的发展战略时具有一定的参考价值和指导意义。

【Abstract】 Owing to their rapid growth at the present time, the SMEs (small and medium enterprises) are not only an important power pushing the national economy’s sustainable development, but also an indispensable role in adjusting the economical structure, improving the Urban-Rural relationship, expanding employment and keeping social stability. Along with the increasing improvement of our market economy and the continuous expanding of the Open-Up scale, the competition focus will transform from product competition to strategy competition. So that, the SMEs must accurately fix their own position, set out a whole set of practical, effective development strategy suiting their feature, to grasp the opportunities, accelerate their development, and to survive in the numerous giant or big enterprises.Shanghai F-Net Co., Ltd. is a fast growing Fiber & Cable manufacturer, benefiting from the rapid development of Internet and the optical communication technology. Although F-Net has made some one-year schedules in its development course, considering the schedules’short-term nature and the absence of a systematic analysis on its outer environment and inner character, F-Net still needs a long-term development strategy conform to its feature. As located in Yangtze Delta, the SMEs’gathering site, F-Net can be seen as a sample of its neighboring SMEs. So the thesis chose F-Net as its research object.The research of this paper is based on the basic theory of strategy management. Using the PEST analysis method and Michael Porter’s Five Forces Model, the paper analyzes the present situation of Chinese Fiber & Cable industry; using the EFE Matrix, the thesis gives an analysis on F-Net’s outer environment; exploring F-Net’s inner-resources and capabilities, the paper analyzes F-Net’s special feature, points out its advantages and disadvantages; using the IFE matrix, the paper then gives a general evaluation to its inner environment. Subsequently, the paper uses the SWOT analysis method, and gives a comprehensive analysis on F-Net’s inner-outer environment, and concludes that, F-Net should implement a Growth Strategy, and puts forward the Strategy’s development stage and priorities. At last, the paper presents some specific measures on the company’s reconstruction, marketing policies and human resources to guarantee the effective implementation of its development strategy.The author hopes this research can be instructive to F-Net’s further development, and valuable to the similar SMEs, especially in exerting their advantages, adapting to the present market environment, breaking the development bottleneck and establishing their development strategy which fitting their features.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】F272;F49
  • 【下载频次】101