

Research on Public Opinion Regulation in Hunan Satellite TV Program Production and Broadcast

【作者】 张婵

【导师】 袁柏顺;

【作者基本信息】 湖南大学 , 公共管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 舆论管理是社会管理的一个极其重要的方面,其基本职能是指导、协调新闻媒体正确有效的开展工作,引导舆论,平衡人们心态,理顺群众情绪,维护稳定,为推进中国特色社会事业提供有力的舆论支持。湖南卫视作为新闻媒体,在电视节目制播中,除了要保证节目的如期制作、播出外,也要加强舆论方面的管理。电视节目制播中,要根据现实舆论并预测电视节目制播中的舆论传播效果,并对舆论传播过程实施有效、有力的管理调节。电视节目制播中的舆论管理、调控是一个复杂的过程,不仅要受国家的电视管理制度及政策、媒介对于舆论的放开程度、公众的舆论素养等舆论环境因素的影响,而且要受到舆论媒介的现代化进程、管理者对于舆论的调控能力、电视台的媒介威望等舆论媒介因素的影响,还与管理者舆论管理的目标定位有关。但无可否认的是,有效且强有力的舆论管理与调控是保证电视节目导向是否正确并安全播出的重要手段。有效的组织与实施,是舆论管理达成的中心环节。湖南卫视紧贴节目播出安排确定舆论管理的行动方案,通过媒介舆论影响公共舆论,实现舆论引导。通过组织新闻发布,统一信息出口;通过强化议题设置,实现舆论倡导;通过媒介沟通,争取舆论支持,取得了较好效果。做好舆论管理工作,需要建立健全舆论管理组织机构,以保证舆论管理的落实;要遵循舆论规律,增强舆论管理的有效性;要着眼应对情绪化的网络舆论的挑战、加强网络舆论场管控和做好舆论危机传播的需要,突出网络舆论管理这个重点。同时,注意搞好定量计算,为科学决策提供准确依据。

【Abstract】 In TV program production and broadcast, there exist various problems which may extract extreme attention through over propagation. Thus, an imperative requirement is to effectively regulate the process of the public opinion propagation during TV program production and broadcast, according to the predicted effects of the real public opinion and its propagation.As we all know, public opinion regulation in TV program production and broadcast is a complicated process. In one way, it is affected by the public opinion environments such as the national TV management regulations and policies, the openness of the media to the public opinion and the public opinion accomplishment. In another, it is affected by the public opinion media such as the modernization of the public opinion, the regulation capability of the governor to the public opinion and the authority of the TV stations. Moreover, it is close related to its regulation objective.Based on the above observation, we argue that:Public opinion management should comply with some subjective principles and objective rules. First, we should insist on the principle that public opinion should be governed by the communist party. The idealistic purposes, political requests and organization principles should be expressed in public opinion regulation. Second, we should follow the public opinion rules which are the essence requirements. Concretely speaking, we should follow the requests of the objective rules, persist on telling the truth; we should follow the value rules, try to propagate valuable news; we should follow the circulating rules, pursue the most amount of information; we should directly face the challenges posed by the emotional network public opinion which is of great significance, enhance the regulation to the network public opinion, get good preparation for the crisis propagation.Moreover, flexible and various regulation strategies are needed to be used according to the different effects of the news to public opinion. For instances, we could fabricate the public opinion through organizing news promulgation; sparkplug the public opinion through strengthened topic setting; magnify the public opinion through constructing powerful media; strive for public opinion through communication between medias. Effective organization and implementation is the focus to come to successful public opinion regulation. We should build mature and integrated public opinion alarm network; begin to survey and investigate the public opinion information; try to master the real-time trends of the public opinion; organize to estimate the public opinion; make best use of the effects of public opinion alarm to regulate public opinion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 湖南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】G229.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】153