

Research on the Application of Softswitch Technology about GSM Communication System

【作者】 刁志鹏

【导师】 沈保锁; 张宏涛;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 从设备厂家的角度,按照先同厂家后异厂家的顺序完成网络的IP化改造;从网络层次的角度,按照省内、省际的顺序完成网络的IP化改造。由于端局的IP化,只需在有信令互联的端局之间,配置BICC信令和路由数据,省去了局点之间的TDM电路设置。建议在端局数量超过20个,采用CMN进行转接,以减少每个端局的数据配置复杂程度,以及维护工作量。考虑到各省公司端局数量的差异,某些端局较多的省份,建议采用省内CMN汇接省内长途;省际CMN汇接国内长途和国际长途。对于广东移动,在改造初期,由于VoIP局点较少,各VoIP局点之间可以采用网状直连的方式,后期陆续大量的软交换端局改造为VoIP局,建设省内CMN将势在必行。本文首先介绍了移动软交换技术的概念及各发展阶段的组网,陈述了中国移动长途软交换网络工程的现状及组网方式。通过对中国移动长途软交换组网方式的分析,探讨了在该组网方式中可能存在的问题,提出了两种优化方案。本期IP承载语音端局改造按照广东移动的要求,采用升级现网软交换设备的方案。目前陕西移动已经完成了第一阶段的试点测试(咸阳、渭南),并已经带大量商业用户稳定运行。广东版本进行了两次升级:从2007年5月到6月底,作为配合测试局点,完成广东移动VoIP测试任务,版本从R3C01B056升级到R5C01B038;2007年9月中下旬,根据集团要求,加载正式业务,版本从R5C01B038升级到R5C10B019。第一次升级后完成集团VoIP测试的三个阶段测试任务,由于广东移动的华为设备仅仅作为配合测试局点,为了减少对现网的影响,使用临时基站搭建测试环境,现网业务仍然使用137号段MSRN;第二次升级是为了满足集团和广东移动对所有参与测试的VoIP局点必须承载3000ERL话务的要求,替换现网MSRN为1344,同时使用中国移动VoIP目标版本。对中国移动集团公司规划广东交换网络IP化试点项目,涉及汕尾本地网IP化端局升级改造任务。在6月份的改造中,已经实现了VoIP测试业务承载,本次改造重点在于使用特定的VoIP MSC ID1344承载业务,在改造之前,需要进行版本升级。

【Abstract】 Softswitch technology is the first major issue is the selection of faculty members. Never in the history of this college has a student been permitted to interview, examine the credentials of, or even meet prospective professors. All hiring is done by a joint administrative?faculty committee, often made up of people who will not even have extensive dealings with the individuals after they begin teaching. Those who have the most at stake and whose lives and academic careers will be governed by the professors - the students themselves - never even meet the new teachers until the first class meeting.Finally, the area of scheduling is of vital interest to students. The hours at which classes are offered affect the workings of our daily lives. Many of us must juggle work and class schedules, but often administrators ignore such problems when they schedule classes. Schedules must be convenient and flexible so that all students have equal opportunities to take the most popular classes and those which are most essential to their majors.This paper introduces the concept of mobile softswitch technology, networking and various stages of development, statements by China Mobile long-distance soft-switched network project status and Networking Method. By China Mobile Networking Method for analysis of long-distance soft-switching discussed the problems that may exist Networking Method proposed two kinds of optimization solutions.The system is mainly based on China Mobile’s long-distance soft-switching network, a project may be a single node failure, put forward two kinds of optimization solutions. In the long-distance tandem softswitch network and the TDM networks direct traffic between the relay, making soft-switched network traffic overflow occurs, or soft-switching single-node failure, routing traffic through the setting of the dredge from the TDM network; in the provinces node in the establishment of two soft-switching nodes, so that truly realized a two-node backup route. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages of network construction in different periods, using different scenarios. China Mobile softswitch through the construction of long distance, while digging a network of networks is the potential to reduce investment; the other hand, has accumulated a soft switch maintenance and network design optimization experience, for the upcoming 3G fierce competition has a very important value.Put you throughyou still stuck around and stayed by my sidewhat really hurt me is i broke your heartbaby you a good and i had no righti really wanna make things rightcuz without you in my life .

【关键词】 软交换GSM3G媒体网关SSTMGTMSC路由双归属
【Key words】 softswitchTDMGSM3Gsoftswitch servermedia gatewaySSTMGTMSCRouterdual homingdual-homed bastion host
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 02期
  • 【分类号】TN929.532
  • 【下载频次】39