

Research on the Most Unfavorable Design Ground Motions of Building Structures

【作者】 常志旺

【导师】 谢礼立;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 结构工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 非线性动力时程分析法是目前人们所公认的精确的结构反应分析方法,世界上主要的结构抗震设计规范均已规定对重要的工程结构应采用动力时程分析法作为反应谱法分析结果的补充计算,然而,地震发生机制的复杂性导致地震动的特性表现出高度的不确定性,相同的结构在不同的地震动作用下得到的时程分析结果差异很大。近年来的许多震害表明,某些地震危险性水平较低地区的建筑结构在地震中遭受了大大超过预先设计值的地震作用,在这种极端条件下时,如何选择地震动输入呢?目前国内外的学者和工程设计人员在抗震研究和设计中选择地震动输入时大都只是采用早期记录到的几条地震动记录,如1940年的El Centro地震动记录。虽然各国学者也进行了广泛的研究,但并未取得一致性的认识。本文对大量的地震动记录进行了统计分析,力求找到能反映地震动潜在破坏势的指标参数,并通过其来找出使结构反应处于最危险状态的地震动——最不利设计地震动。主要研究内容包括以下几个方面:(1)概述反映地震动潜在破坏势的常用参数并根据研究需要确定本文采用的地震动参数;根据中国规范建立了五个结构模型,通过时程分析研究了各模型的破坏状态,并得到了结构整体破坏指数;(2)在区别近场速度脉冲型地震动和远场地震动的条件下,对地震动参数与结构整体破坏指数进行相关性分析,得到反映二者潜在破坏势的指标参数;(3)提出了挑选最不利设计地震动的原则,并利用该原则从地震动记录数据库中找出需要的最不利设计地震动。

【Abstract】 The nonlinear dynamic time history analysis is now recognized as the precise analytical method for the structural responses. The most popular seismic design codes in the world have the provision that the time history analysis should be carried out for substantial structures as a supplemental check to the results obtained from the response spectrum method. However, due to the complex mechanism of earthquake, the characteristics of the ground motions display immense uncertainties. As a result, the differences of the responses of the same structure are sometimes very distinct under different ground motion inputs.The recent earthquake investigation have shown that some structures have suffered an earthquake action which has a much larger value than the previously designed one. Hence, how to select ground motion inputs under this extreme state is a big problem. So far, when it comes to the problem of the choice of rational ground motion inputs, researchers and engineers at home and abroad mostly select the inputs which were recorded at the early stages, such as the El Centro ground motion (1940). Although great efforts have been made on this subject, no consistent conclusions have been achieved. On the basis of ground motions that have been collected, this study presents the vast statistical analysis to find out the parameters that can reflect the damage potential of the ground motions, and then the unfavorable ground motions are given.The main contents of this study consist of the following:(1) A summary of the parameters that can reflect the damage potential of ground motions is made. Then the seismic parameters that will be used in this study have been selected; Based on the structural models which were established according to the Chinese codes, the damage states of each model are analyzed by the time history analyses and then the overall structure damage indices are obtained.(2) For the near-fault pulse-like ground motions and far-field ground motions, the correlation analyses between the seismic parameters and the overall structure damage indices are carried out.And the parameters that can characterize the damage potential of each kind of ground motion are found out.(3) The guideline that can be used to select the ground motions are established, through this formula the most unfavourable design ground motions are determined from the collected database of ground motion records.

  • 【分类号】P315.9
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】283