

The Damage Evolution of the Concrete Pavement Under Impact Load

【作者】 李晓明

【导师】 孙毅;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 固体力学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济的发展,对道路运输能力的要求越来越高,但是早期的公路已经出现了不同程度的破坏,如何翻修已成为公路部门必须面对和解决的技术问题。虽然我们在采用沥青加铺层技术改造混凝土路面方面进行了许多有益的尝试和技术探索,但混凝土路面的反射裂缝问题一直是影响加铺层使用寿命与使用性能的最根本原因。目前,国内外在路面改造工程中常用到冲压破碎稳固技术,该技术不仅能有效控制反射裂缝的发展,而且在经济上具有明显的优势,效率高,节能环保。但是在施工过程和方法都是根据现场经验,缺少统一的标准,更没有从力学的角度对其进行分析。本文首先推导了裂纹密度与损伤之间的关系,介绍了几种常见的混凝土损伤模型,对各种模型的优缺点进行了比较,并详细介绍了本文采用的ABAQUS损伤塑性模型。其次,通过对混凝土路面材料的压缩实验,得到了其单轴压缩全曲线,并通过仿真与实验相结合的方法得到了损伤演化关系。用带切口的试件结合三点弯曲实验的方法得到了混凝土材料的拉伸软化曲线。在国内外混凝土损伤力学试验研究及结构损伤数值模拟方面研究的基础上,本文基于商用有限元软件ABAQUS,建立了冲击载荷作用下混凝土路面的损伤演化分析模型,模拟在蓝派五边轮冲击压实机的冲击下混凝土路面板的应力分布、损伤演化以及路面沉降。将不同加载速度,不同行进路径下的损伤演化进行比较,得到不同路况下冲压破碎效果最好的施工方案。

【Abstract】 With the development of economics,the road transport capacity requirements become higher, but the road built earlier has suffered different degrees of damage, how to renovation old roads has become the technical problem that the road sector must face and solve. Although we have many useful attempts and technology exploration in repairing the concrete pavement with an additional asphalt overlay, but the reflective cracking always the most fundamental reason that influence the service life and capability of the additional overlay.At present, punch breaking technology often used in road reconstruction projects domestic and overseas, this technology not only can effectively control the development of reflective cracking, but also has obvious advantages in economic and energy saving, and has high efficiency. However, both the construction process and methods are according to experience, lack of uniform standards; say nothing of analyzing it from the viewpoint of mechanics.This paper derived the relationship between crack density and damage, introduced several common damage models of concrete and compared their advantages and disadvantages at first, and gave details of the concrete damaged plasticity model which this article used. Secondly, through the compression test of concrete road surface material, we got the uniaxial compression curves. We also got the damage evolution relations by combining simulation and experimental methods. According to three-point bending test, we got the tensile softening curve of concrete by using a specimen with a notch.Based on the mechanical tasting of concrete damage and numerical simulation of structural damage home and abroad , This article established a finite model to analyze the damage evolution of the concrete pavement under Impact load with the commercial finite element software ABAQUS. By simulating the concrete pavement under loading of lan pai pentagon punch breaking machine, we get the stress distributing, the damage evolution, the sedimentation of the pavement. By comparing the result from different velocity and different path, we gain construction projects that most fit the road environment.
