

Research on Chongqing’s Modernazation During the Anti-Japanese War Time

【作者】 王永发

【导师】 赵爱伦;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 在加快推进社会主义现代化的伟大进程中,城市现代化问题倍受关注。纵观重庆现代化的历史,抗战时期是重庆向现代城市迈进的一个重要时期。因此,对抗战时期重庆现代化的研究既是中国现代化进程历史研究中的重要组成部分,也是出于对当代重庆及中国其他地区的城市现代化提供鉴戒。目前对抗战时期重庆现代化的研究已开始进入学者的研究视野,本论文以对原始文献的辨识为主,并借鉴参考学术界的已有成果的基础上,对抗日战争时期重庆现代化的进行全方位的探究。本文从重庆的战略地位入手,剖析了抗战爆发后国民政府将重庆确定为战时首都和将沿海工业内迁至重庆为中心的西南地区,为重庆现代化提供了一个前所未有的机遇。在此基础上,本文分析了内迁后,重庆的现代性显著成长,重庆现代化初具规模。在经济方面,重庆在短短几年走完了几十年甚至上百年的发展道路,重工业基础得以建立起来,并且逐渐成为战时全国的金融和商业中心,人口的增长和城市规模的不断扩大又推动着城市公用事业的发展。在文化教育方面,大量高校的内迁使重庆的教育体系得以完备起来,中国文化艺术界的代表人物来到重庆,成就了起中国的战时文艺复兴。在政治方面,在中国共产党的引导下,在民主党派人士的推动下,政治民主化潮流风起云涌,极大打击了国民党蒋介石的独裁统治,民主抗战事业不断发展。这一切形成合力,共同推动重庆城市现代性的成长。以上述分析为依托,本文从特点、局限性和启示三方面对抗战时期重庆的现代化进行了评析。本文指出抗战时期重庆的现代化是得益于抗战内迁,呈现出呈跃进式、突变型的特点,因而重庆的现代化属于“应激型”的现代化,这也使抗战时期重庆现代化过程中呈现出很大的局限性。在经济方面重工业与轻工业比例严重失调,重庆现代化的“先天不足”和不稳定性,以及没有呈现出持续的发展态势。因此,在今天的重庆现代化建设中,重庆应抓住西部经济大开发的历史机遇,确定重庆的中长期发展战略,注意重工业与轻工业的比例发展关系,注重产业结构的合理性。

【Abstract】 The urban modernization attracts more and more attention in the process of our country’s advancing the socialist modernization. The period of the Anti-Japanese War was an important stage in the history of Chongqing modernization. Hence, researching on Chongqing modernization of this stage is an important part of researching on the whole country’s modernization history, and it can offer lots of reference about the urban modernization for both Chongqing and the other areas. At present, the subject of researching on Chongqing modernization has attracted the scholars’attention, while the study from the whole aspect is just starting, lacking of the whole and deep systematic researching. The essay identified the original document, and made reference to the gained achievements of the field. Made a whole aspects research on the Chongqing modernization which based on the inland movement forced by the Anti-Japanese War.The essay started with analyzing the strategic position and the development status of Chongqing, and deep analysis the background of Chongqing urban modernization before the inland movement. As the strategy’s carried out, Chongqing has owned a new chance which has never appeared before. Therefore, the essay discussed the significantly growth modernity of Chongqing urban modernization after the inland movement in the Anti-Japanese War. And the modernization of Chongqing has begun to take shape. On the aspect of its economy, Chongqing has covered the journey which other place need several tens or several hundred years while it just take short time. The base of industry has built up, and it became the financial center and commercial center of the whole country, increasing of its population improved the public affairs’development. On its cultural education, lots of schools moved in there made the education system built up. Many of the literature circles’people came here, so the education of Chongqing has begun to developing. At the same time, it forced the literature renaissance in the wartime. On its politics aspect, under the lead of the Communist Party of China, under the promoting of the Democratic Parties, the current of political democratization made a rapid development. Which greatly attack Jiang Jieshi’ s dictatorship, the Cause of democracy and Anti-Japanese War growing up. All of this, accelerated the growth modernity of Chongqing.Basing on the analysis, the essay comments on Chongqing modernization from the following aspects: characteristics, limitations and enlightenment. The essay concluded that Chongqing modernization benefit from the inland movement in the Anti-Japanese War. And its process take on the character of leaping and mutation. So we can conclude that the type of Chongqing modernization belongs to the stress type modernization. Which lead Chongqing ’s modernization to have many limits, such as the disproportion between the heavy industry and light industry, the congenital deficiencies and unstable of its modernization.etc.Hence, in the nowadays modernization of Chongqing, it should take the chance of the western development, getting ready for the protracted war in our mind. It must make a mid long term development policies. Take eyes on the disproportion between the heavy industry and light industry and the rational of the industrial structure.

  • 【分类号】K265
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