

The Theme and Prisoner Image of Makanin’s Novel the Prisoner of the Caucasus

【作者】 井陈玺

【导师】 谢春艳;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 俄语语言文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 小说《高加索俘虏》是俄罗斯当代作家马卡宁于20世纪90年代创作的一部描写发生在高加索地区的车臣战争的作品。该小说融合了马卡宁的多种艺术风格,与普希金、莱蒙托夫和列夫·托尔斯泰的同名作品《高加索的俘虏》及陀思妥耶夫斯基的小说《白痴》形成了互文关系。本论文首先从历史文化渊源的角度探究了高加索与俄罗斯文学的相互联系,结合荣格的分析心理学中的“集体无意识”理论,分析了不同时期不同作家笔下的高加索景色、高加索人、高加索故事及作家的“高加索情结”,并将当代作家马卡宁的小说《高加索俘虏》与19世纪作家的同名作品进行对比,揭示出二者在高加索俘虏形象塑造方面的异同。此外,通过陀思妥耶夫斯基在小说《白痴》中对“美拯救世界”的阐释以及马卡宁对“美拯救世界”的诠释,指出小说《高加索俘虏》的题旨在于:在当代俄罗斯社会“美无法拯救世界”,“拯救世界之美”已不复存在。

【Abstract】 The novel The Prisoner of the Caucasus is written by Russian contemporary writer Makanin in the 1990s. It depicts the Chechnya war happening in the Caucasian areas. The novel combines various artistic styles, and forms a relationship of intertextuality with the homonymous works of Pushkin, Lermontov and Lev. Tolstoy, as well as Dostoevsky’s The Idiot.The thesis first explores the relationship of the Caucasus and Russian literature from the perspective of historical and cultural origins. With the“unconsciousness”theory of Carl Jung’s analytical psychology, it analyzes the Caucasian sceneries, Caucasians, Caucasian stories and writers’“Caucasus Complex”reflected from writers of different times. Then by comparing The Prisoner of the Caucasus by contemporary writer Makanin with those homonymous works of the 19th century, the thesis reveals the differences and similarities between the former and the latter in the characterization of Caucasian prisoners. Besides, through“The beauty will save the world”illustrated by both Dostoevsky in his The Idiot and Makanin, the thesis points out that the main theme of The Prison of the Caucasus is that in modern Russian society,“the beauty is incapable of saving the world”,“the beauty that will do”no longer exists.

【关键词】 高加索俘虏美拯救世界
【Key words】 CaucusPrisonerThe beauty will save the world