

Design and Implement of A Portable Ecg Monitoring System Using Embedded System

【作者】 王余涛

【导师】 宗成阁;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 信息与通信工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 心血管疾病是严重威胁人类健康和生命的主要疾病之一。在我国,因心血管疾病致死人数占死亡总人数的44%。而心电(ECG)监护系统可有效检测小概率异常心脏活动,对心血管疾病的预防、诊断和治疗具有重要意义。传统心电监护仪因其体积大、功耗高、无法随身携带、监护费用高昂等特点,而存在较大的应用局限性。便携式心电监护系统的大范围普及有助于促进心血管疾病的防治及康复工作。本文针对市面上便携式心电监护系统的不足,提出了一款具有三种工作模式:动态心电监护模式、床侧心电监护模式以及远程心电监护模式的便携式心电监护系统总体设计方案。并对该系统中最为重要的便携式心电监护仪的软硬件设计开发工作进行了详细说明。本文所设计的便携式心电监护仪基于ARM7内核的嵌入式系统,实现了心电信号实时采集、放大、存储、传输、心率计算、5种常见心律失常诊断以及自动与手动设置报警功能。便携式心电监护仪采用键盘进行命令输入,LCD显示屏进行图形用户接口(GUI)界面显示,SD卡接口和以太网接口实现心电数据传输。便携式心电监护仪硬件部分采用3.3V电压的供电方案,大幅降低系统功耗;软件部分设计了改进的R波检测差分阈值算法,提高了心率计算模块的可靠性。在便携式心电监护仪原型机制作完成后,本文对其各项功能进行了相应测试工作。测试结果显示,该便携式心电监护仪较好的满足了系统设计要求,各项功能正常、性能良好。最后,对本文相关研究工作进行了总结,并给出了今后可行的研究方向。

【Abstract】 Cardiovascular disease is one of the major diseases that seriously threat to people’s health. In China, the number of people dead from cardiovascular disease has taken 44 percent of the death toll. Electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring system can effectively detect rare cardiac events, and it’s very important to the early prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease. There are plenty of disadvantages of the traditional ECG monitor: big size, high power consumption, un-portable for patients, and very expensive. These disadvantages make traditional ECG monitor difficult to be used widely. The widely use of portable ECG monitoring system can help to improve the prevention, treatment and healing of cardiovascular disease.According to the insufficiency of the portable ECG monitoring system on market, this paper presents a new portable ECG monitoring system with three monitoring mode: Dynamic ECG Monitoring Mode, Bed-side ECG Monitoring Mode, and Remote ECG Monitoring Mode. This paper also design and implement a prototype of a new portable ECG monitoring device, which is the most important part of this system.The device is based on ARM7 embedded system, which can sense, amplify, record, analyze, and transmit the ECG signal to a PC or a server, and also provides functions of calculating of cardiac rate, diagnosis of five usual arrhythmias, and auto/manual alarming. The portable ECG monitoring device also includes a four-key keyboard to input commands, a LCD screen to display Graphical User Interface (GUI), a SD card interface and an Ethernet interface for ECG data transmitting. The hardware part of the portable device uses 3.3V voltage supply, which is useful for power consumption reduction. And the software part presents an improving difference threshold value algorithm to improving the detecting of R wave.After the implementation of the prototype, this paper presents the testing of some functions of the portable device. According to the testing results, the portable device fits the expected performance fairly well, and the tested functions work well.The last section of this paper is a conclusion of this work, which also suggests the feasibility of future.

【关键词】 心电监护心电信号便携式嵌入式系统
【Key words】 ECG monitoringECG signalportableembedded system
  • 【分类号】TH772.2
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】467