

Software Design and Realization for Coal Mine Safety Simulation System

【作者】 张宇

【导师】 史小平;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 控制科学与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 煤炭是我国能源消费的主体。以井下开采为主的方式,增加了煤炭生产过程中的不安全因素。研究表明,对煤矿工作人员进行安全培训,可以有效地减少安全事故的发生。然而,由于各种条件的限制,传统的培训方式难以取得理想的效果,不能满足实际需要。虚拟现实技术(VR)是计算机图形学、计算机仿真科学、多媒体技术等多种高新技术的集合。VR所具有的想象、交互和沉浸等特点,可以解决传统煤矿安全培训所遇到的各种问题。煤矿工作人员可以根据它所构造的虚拟工作环境演练各种突发情况的响应预案,而不用担心真的身处险境。现有的煤矿安全培训软件都具有整体的三维视景和漫游功能,真实感较强,但是开发周期长,价格昂贵且后期维护困难。对于矿难频发而又资金不足的中小型煤矿企业,这无疑加重了企业的负担,影响了企业实施安全培训的积极性;而且要准确模拟随开采不断变化的煤矿巷道,需要不断修改和维护软件,现有的煤矿安全培训软件难以做到这一点。本课题基于Visual C++ 6.0软件环境,结合VR开发工具Multigen Creator和Multigen Vega,设计实现了煤矿安全培训仿真系统。具体所作的工作如下:(1)提出了二维视图与三维视景相匹配的解决方案,降低了软件开发的时间成本、资金成本以及修改和维护的难度,有效地缓解了广大中小型煤矿所遇到的矛盾。(2)采用了理论与实践相结合的科学方法,首先介绍了VR理论和元胞自动机思想,然后借鉴了煤矿巷道生成算法,最后合理利用建模工具Creator、视景仿真工具Vega等,逼真地模拟了矿井复杂的作业环境,真实地再现了生产场景。(3)运用了部分和整体的思维模式,分别构建某矿井主要巷道及采煤机、传送机、工作面等模型群,再将其有机地组合在一起,实现不同的复杂场景。既降低了建模的难度,又提高了软件的重用性。(4)体现了分析与综合的程序设计理念,通过分析软件需求将软件进行功能分解,基于VC++分别实现了虚拟井下巷道模块,虚拟井下瓦斯模拟模块和工种安全培训模块三个子系统,最后再整体测试发布。本文所设计的系统参考了国内外现有同类系统的优点,以中小型煤矿企业的实际需求为导向,综合考虑现有条件,所开发出来的系统结构合理,功能比较齐全,是一款性价比较高的安全培训软件,对于提高煤炭行业信息化水平具有积极的推动作用。

【Abstract】 Coal plays an important role in energy consumption structure of China. There are many insecurity factors in coal production by the way of underground mining. The results show that safety training for coal mine staff can effectively reduce the occurrence of accidents. However, it is difficult to achieve the desired effect and meet the actual needs according to traditional training methods when considering various limitations.Inherited the features of many high-tech, such as computer graphics theory, computer simulation science, multi-media technology, Virtual Reality (VR) can help to solve the problems which encountered in traditional safety training of coal mine with its special characteristics: imagination, interaction and immersion. Coal mine workers are able to practice response plans for various contingencies in the virtual work environment without worrying in danger.The existing safety training software for coal mine has the overall three-dimensional scene and roaming functions. Excellent though they are, a long development period is required and the later maintaining is difficult. More importantly, their high prices add to the burden on small coal mine enterprises which are accident-prone and lack of funds, and affect their motivation to carry out safety training; In addition, the software needs to be upgraded frequently to reflect the time-changing coal mine roadway exactly, but unfortunately, the existing software have not done a good job in this area. Based on Visual C ++ 6.0 environment and combined with Multigen Creator and Multigen Vega, the author designed and realized a coal mine simulation system for safety training. Specifically by the following:Firstly, the author proposed a solution method by combining two-dimensional view and three-dimensional visual. It helps to reduce software development time and the cost of capital, makes the software changing or maintaining easier, and effectively alleviates the conflicts encountered by small coal mine enterprises.Secondly, the article emphasized on scientific theory, also attached importance to practical applications. At the beginning, the article introduced the theory of VR and the idea of cellular automata. Then it referenced roadway model generating algorithm.Finally, it rationally used Creator and Vega to simulate the complex operating environment in mine and represent the production scene.Thirdly, after adopted the part-and-whole thinking, the author first built the model of main-roadway shearer, conveyors, working place and other model groups separately, and then organically combined them to realize the different complex scenarios. This approach not only reduces the difficulty of modeling, but also improves the reusability of the software.Lastly, the article represented the idea of analysis-and-composite in program designing. It analyzed the software requirements to software functional decomposition, and then based on VC++, the author developed three subsystems. They were the module of underground roadway, the module of gas simulation and the module of worker training.At last, all the modules were packaged and the whole software is released. After drawing on the merits of the existing system at home and abroad, considering the existing conditions, the system realized in this paper is well-designed with relatively complete functionality, and it fully reflects the actual needs of small coal mine enterprises. In a word, it is a high cost-effective safety training system, which will play a positive role in improving the information level of coal industry.

【关键词】 仿真系统安全培训VC++
【Key words】 Simulation systemSafety TrainingVC++
  • 【分类号】TP391.9;TD79
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】250
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