

Syntheses, Characterizations and Properties of Metallacrowns Containing Bihydrazidate

【作者】 舒天品

【导师】 梁洪泽; 雷克微;

【作者基本信息】 宁波大学 , 物理化学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 酰肼类化合物具有很强的配位能力,在与金属离子配位后,往往表现出优于配体的活性。因此,酰肼类金属冠醚在分析、催化、光学、磁学材料特别是生物化学领域具有实际应用前景,并成为化学家和生物化学家们研究的热点课题之一。迄今为止,腙类及单酰肼配合物的研究甚多,而双酰肼类配合物的报道相对较少。关于金属冠醚的文献报道大多集中在金属冠醚及其类似物的合成及其空间拓扑结构研究方面,高核大环的金属冠醚报道较少,对其潜在的功能性质研究不够深入。此外,具有多配位原子的水杨双酰肼类化合物是一种强螯合剂,它是制备金属冠醚的理想配体。本论文以甲基水杨酰肼为母体,使其与酰氯,羧酸,酸酐等进行反应,合成了五个未见报道的N-取代水杨双酰肼配体;采用溶液法使其与Mn(III)和Fe(III)盐配位,成功地合成了6种结构新颖的金属冠醚,并对其进行了结构表征和磁性测试。所合成的化合物如下:(1) [Mn6 (C10H9N2O3)6 (CH3OH) 66 H2O(2) [Fe6(C10H9N2O3)6 (C3H7NO) 66 CH3OH(3) [Mn6 (C11H11N2O3)6 (CH3CH2OH)63 C3H7NO·2CH3CH2OH(4) [Mn16(C14H8N2O3F)16 (C5H5N)16](5) [Mn10 (C18H17N2O3)8 (C13H15N2O3)2(DMF)10]·2DMF(6) [Mn8 (C12H11N2O3)8 (DMA)8] [Mn8 (C12H11N2O3)8 (DMA)6 (H2O)2]·2 DMA·5 H2O单晶X-射线分析表明:配合物1-6都是以[-M-N-N-]为结构单元的金属冠醚,分子结构中金属原子存在两种不同的配位环境:?和Λ构型,这两种构型交替排列促使了金属冠醚环的形成。成环金属常以扭曲的八面体MN2O4构型配位。金属冠醚环一般为平面形,且中心有一个椭球型空腔。不同金属冠醚其腔体大小也有差别。实验发现,配体末端基的大小则直接影响着金属冠醚环的大小。例如,所合成的配体中,L1和L2的末端基分别为直线型的乙酰基和丙酰基,培养出来的3个Mn(III)/Fe(III)的配合物均为六核;L<sub>3、L4和L5的末端基α分枝N-取代水杨双酰肼配体,得到的是十六核,十核和八核的金属冠醚。由此可见,可以通过改变配体的末端基的方法来控制金属冠醚环的大小。磁性研究表明,配合物1-6均具有明显的反铁磁性。

【Abstract】 Hydrazidate and its ramification are strong chelating ligands, which can form complexes with many metals. What’t more, complexes of hydrazidate often exhibit better functions than ligands. These complexes have prodigious application values, such as magnetism and optical material, molecule recognize reagent, catalyse reagent, especially in biological activity aspect. Therefore, study of metallacrows of hydrazidate and its analogues is receiving greatly attention. So far, there are many reports about complexes of hydrazone and monohydrazidate, while fewer are reported about bihydrazidate and its complexes. Reports about metallacrowns in the literature are mostly concentrated in syntheses and research of its topological structure. But fewer are reported about high nuclear metallacrowns. The study of its diverse properties and potential function is not deep enough. Besides, N-acylsalicylhydrazidate ligand, which contains several donor atoms is a strong chelating agent, is very suitable for the preparation of metallacrowns. In this paper, we synthesized series of N-acylsalicylhydrazidate ligands. With coodinated with transition metal Mn (Ⅲ) /Fe (Ⅲ) using self-assembly method, we successfully synthesized six metallacrowns. These complexes were characterized by IR spectrum, and the crystal structures are determined by single crystal X- ray diffraction methods. The complexes are as follows:(1) [Mn6 (C10H9N2O3)6 (CH3OH) 66 H2O(2) [Fe6(C10H9N2O3)6 (C3H7NO) 66 CH3OH(3) [Mn6 (C11H11N2O3)6 (CH3CH2OH)63 C3H7NO·2CH3CH2OH(4) [Mn16(C14H8N2O3F)16 (C5H5N)16](5) [Mn10 (C18H17N2O3)8 (C13H15N2O3)2(DMF)10]·2DMF(6) [Mn8 (C12H11N2O3)8 (DMA)8] [Mn8 (C12H11N2O3)8 (DMA)6 (H2O)2]·2 DMA·5 H2OAll the complexes were measured by X-ray diffraction and the crystal structures have been studied. Complexes 1-6 are all based on the structural unit of [-M-N-N-]. In the molecular configuration, all of the metal atoms have two different coordination environments: ? andΛconfiguration that alternately arranged to promote the formation of rings. Metals in the ring are often in distorted octahedral coordination geometry MN2O4. Metallacrowns are generally flat shape with oval cavity in the center. It was found that the end groups of the ligands have a direct impact on the size of metallacrowns. While N-acylsalicylhydrazides (L1, L2) with a sterically flexible Cα group yield 18-membered hexanuclear metallacrowns,α-branched N-acylsalicylhydrazides lead to 24-membered octanuclear manganese metallacrowns or 30-, 48-membered decanuclear manganese metallacrowns depending on the size of the N-acyl substituents. The magnetic properties of the metallacrowns are characterized by antiferromagnetic exchange interaction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 宁波大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2011年 06期