

A Research of Protection Strategy and Development Model of Qingdao Textile Industry Building Heritage

【作者】 郭斌

【导师】 徐飞鹏;

【作者基本信息】 青岛理工大学 , 建筑设计及理论, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着我国快速的城市化进程和产业结构调整,许多原本位于老城区内的旧工厂开始相继向郊外迁移,导致大批失去原有生产功能的工业建筑被闲置和废弃下来,其中不乏有许多历史性优秀建筑。例如青岛国棉在厂内的大量工业建筑。因此,也同样面临着工业遗产的保护与再利用问题(即二次设计)。再利用是解决这种新旧矛盾关系的一种有效途径,深入研究和探讨工业建筑遗产的保护与再利用策略在当前具有很重要的理论价值和指导意义。当今,在工业建筑遗产的保护与再利用问题上,欧美发达国家已走过了早期的实践与探索阶段,并且正趋于成熟化和模式化。相比之下,我国还处于一种初步的自发性探索状态。虽然北京、上海等大城市中已经出现不少具有代表性的设计实例。但总体上还是存在着很大的不足和差距。缺乏相关的保护性法令和系统的理论指导、而且涉及的范围和类型都十分有限。本文即以青岛国棉厂的衰退现状和调研结论为根本出发点,借鉴国外发达国家及国内改造与再利用的优秀实例和先进经验,综合分析国棉厂的区位环境特征、对现存工业遗产的现状和特征进行系统地调查与分析,并对其再利用的可行性进行多方面地评估与研究。从而提出再利用的基本策略和实施办法,以此期望这些承载着青岛棉纺织工业百年发展历程的老厂得以留存。希望对当前工业建筑遗产的保护与再利用实践提供有益的参考。

【Abstract】 In recent years, urbanize the course and industrial restructuring speedily with our country, a lot of copy of the first edition is located in old Lao Cheng Qu inner factory beginning to migrate consecutively to outskirts , lead to large number of the old industrial architecture losing the original turn out function be left unused and be abandoned down , among them be no lack of have a lot of historic excellent building. Two in-house large amount of old industry build for example Qingdao State-owned cotton mill. Therefore , also same the protection being confronted with the old industrial architecture and (namely repeated making use of a problem again are designed). Protect and make use of approach to be that resolving this a kind of new old contradiction relation is effective again, protection tactics and the design procedures making use of again going deep into the industrial architecture studying and discussing an old friend have very important theory value and guiding significance in present.Nowadays, being in old industrial architecture protection and making use of a problem again, the Europe and America developed country already has go by Model T practice and the exploration stage , being tending to become moreover maturity-rization and hipping. By contrast, our country is in one kind of preliminary spontaneity state. Though the big cities such as Beijing , Shanghai already appears in do not stop having the typical design example. But as a whole still , finclause existence is burning very big deficiency and gap. The range and type guiding the theory being short of the pertinent protection nature decree and system, and relating to are very limited.The conclusion being with Qingdao State-owned cotton mill decays current situation and surveying the main body of a book is starting point , draw the design example that the Europe and America developed country and the old excellent in the homeland industrial architecture make use of again, many ways fields old country cotton two in-house existing industrial architectures space characteristic and environment, and being in progress to the value that the person makes use of again comprehensive analysis estimate that. Suggest that concre making use of again puts tactics and design procedures into practice, the building expecting that these bear the weight of the old people who lets Qingdao cotton textile job lifetime develop course on this account can be remained. Continue the historic memory that people develops to the city , be to leave places of distinct times brands in the later ages.
