

Research of Rockmass Mechanics Parameter on the Overlying Rock Subway of Qingdao

【作者】 韩立亮

【导师】 王谦源;

【作者基本信息】 青岛理工大学 , 工程力学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近几年,随着青岛市经济建设快速发展,青岛市区的交通问题日益严重,所以青岛市迫切需要修建地铁。而青岛是座优美的海滨城市,坐落于大面积分布的燕山晚期花岗岩上,具有良好的地质条件,而且青岛市地铁一期工程,80%以上的线路处于花岗岩中,其余隧道处于第四系地层中。青岛市特有的花岗岩地质条件,对土建方面而言,将节约大量的投资,土建造价大大低于其他城市。所以如何利用青岛地区花岗岩的特性,充分利用和发挥青岛花岗岩自身承载力,对青岛地铁上覆岩层岩体力学参数的研究就有其重要意义!所以本文研究任务是针对现有规范对青岛地下工程设计不尽适应的问题,利用青岛地铁水清沟试验段的观测资料,对青岛地铁上覆岩层岩体力学参数进行验算和反演,为青岛地区岩体分类进一步研究打下基础。长期以来,围岩的岩体力学参数研究一直是大家关心的问题。而岩体参数的研究是岩体分类的基础,目前关于岩体参数的研究资料浩如烟海,如有岩石试块试验方法、原位试验方法和数值模拟方法等等。所以如何准确的反演青岛地铁上覆岩层岩体力学参数,进一步完善青岛地区岩体分级标准是本论文研究的主要问题。近几年,郑颖人、胡文清、张黎明等人开始将强度折减法应用于隧道工程,并提出隧道的安全系数的概念,来评价地下隧道围岩稳定性,这给我们对围岩的岩体分类研究提供了一个很好的方法。所以本文采用郑颖人院士的强度折减安全系数计算理论,通过安全系数反演岩体的力学参数,从而最终给出适合青岛地铁上覆岩层的岩体力学参数。本文主要做了以下几个方面的研究:(1)根据规范的岩体力学参数建议值计算了不同分类围岩双洞隧道的安全系数,通过分析塑性破坏区和等效塑性应变找到潜在破坏面。(2)根据实测地质资料,建立了节理岩体模型,计算了不同岩石等级的安全系数,同理找到潜在破坏面。(3)根据节理岩体模型的安全系数计算结果,对岩体的力学参数进行了反演。(4)根据实测位移观测资料,对反演的岩体力学参数进行了验证。该论文的创新之处在于提出了一条通过岩体力学参数的研究完善岩体分级标准的途径,得到一些重要结论,为青岛地区岩体分类进一步研究打下了基础,明确了方向。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of economic construction, the problem of urban traffic in Qingdao becomes more and more seriously in recent years. So it is very urgent to construct subway. Besides, Qingdao is a beautiful seaside city, and located in the large area late YanShan granite, it has good geological conditions.80% of the lines of the first project Qingdao subway are located in the granite. The rest of the tunnel are located in the Quaternary strata. The unique geological conditions of Qingdao granite would save a lot of money and then make the cost of construction much lower than other cities. Hence, how to use its granite features, taking its mechanical parameters, classification of overburden rock in Qingdao subway are significant! So the task is to study the existing criteria for Qingdao underground engineering design is not adapted to the problem of the use of Qingdao water drain test section of information on the subway for Qingdao this parameter requires the rock to rock and have played, for Qingdao area classification of the body lay a foundation of further study.The classification of surrounding rock mass has always been our concern for a long time. The study of the rock mass parameters is the basis of classification. There are a large number of current papers on the rock mass parameters. And there are a lot of methods, such as the rock specimen test method, in situ test methods, numerical simulation method. In recent years, ZHENG Ying-ren, Hu Wenqing, Zhang Liming etc. applied the strength reduction method to the tunnel project, and proposed the concept of the safety factor of the tunnel to evaluate the stability of surrounding rock in underground tunnel. This provides us a good method to the study of the surrounding rock mass parameter. So the use of ZHENG Ying-ren the strength of the broken down by a margin of safety calculation, the performance of rock body and eventually mechanics parameters to answer to Qingdao on the subway of the rock to rock physical parameters.Main tasks are as follows:(1) according to the strength to the parameter values that a different classification rock mass pair of the tunnel through the hole, flexible margin of the damage and destruction is a flexible response potential.(2) according to information, the establishment of a geological mapping a model of jointed rock mass, the different rocks level of safety, i find the potential for damage.(3) Under section of rock body model for the margin calculations based on the rock of mechanics parameter.(4) Select the overlying strata of Qingdao subway representational cross-section, finite element software ANSYS is used to calculate the stability of uniform nature and jointed rock underground tunnel. Through numerical calculation, safety factor can be gotten.The paper innovation is a line made by the strength to improve the parameters of a classification standard way to get some important conclusions, the body for Qingdao area classification further study and laid the foundation.
