

A Study on Data Processing for Carrier-Phase Time Comparison Using GPS

【作者】 雷雨

【导师】 高玉平;

【作者基本信息】 中国科学院研究生院(国家授时中心) , 天体测量与天体力学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 论文的目标是研究GPS载波相位时间比对中周跳的探测与修复和精密星历插值等数据处理方法,编制相关数据处理程序,解决GPS载波相位时间比对中的一些关键问题。论文围绕周跳的探测与修复和精密星历插值方法展开了研究,编制了时间比对数据处理程序,利用实测数据进行了时间比对实验,结果表明,本文使用的算法可靠。论文的主要内容包括:(1)回顾了高精度远程时间比对技术的发展历程;介绍了目前国际上几种常用的高精度时间比对技术并对其进行了简单的比较;阐述了GPS载波相位时间比对的基本原理;分析了比对中需要顾及的误差源及消除或削弱其影响的方法;(2)探讨了GPS载波相位时间比对的数据处理方法,重点研究了周跳的探测与修复及精密星历插值方法。提出了一种适用于双频接收机的周跳探测与修复的伪距/相位组合与相位求差法的组合法,使用TurboEdit和组合法两种方案来探测与修复GPS载波相位时间比对中的周跳;利用滑动式Lagrange多项式插值方法对精密星历进行内插,对多项式阶次的选取进行了研究;介绍了相位平滑伪距和整周模糊度的解算方法;(3)在Windows平台上利用Fortran程序语言编制了GPS载波相位时间比对数据处理程序,分模块阐述了各部分的功能;采用实测数据进行了时间比对实验,与IGS发布的最终钟差产品相比,利用本文编制的数据处理程序进行GPS载波相位时间比对,其单天钟差解的精度可以达到亚ns级,半天的频率稳定度可达7~8×10-15。

【Abstract】 The objective of this thesis is to study on cycle slip detection and repair and interpolation algorithm for precise ephemeredes, et al in GPS Carrier-Phase ( GPS CP ) time comparison, develop data processing software package, and solve out GPS CP key issue. The research emphasizes on cycle slip detection and repair and interpolation algorithm for precise ephemeredes. Based on the research, data processing Programming module is programmed, a time comparison experiment based on the Programming is carried out using raw GPS observation data, the results demonstrate that the algorithm used in this paper is credible. The core of the thesis includes the following:(1) The development history of the precise time comparison technologies is reviewed; the principle of GPS Common-View, Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer and GPS Carrier-Phase are introduced, and they are compared in brief; the main error sources which limit the improvement of GPS CP time comparison, and several models for error correction and mitigation are analyzed;(2) Data processing methods are discussed, the study emphasizes on cycle slip detection and repair and interpolation algorithm for precise ephemeredes. Two Level Combination method of pseudorange/Carrier-Phase combination and dual frequency differenced Carrier-Phase, which suits dual-frequency receiver, is proposed to detect and correct cycle slip, two programs of TurboEdit and Two Level Combination methods are used in order to detect and fix cycle slip occurring in GPS CP time comparison; Sliding Lagrange polynomial interpolation algorithm is made use for precise ephemeredes, the reasonable polynomial order is investigated; phase smoothing pseudorange and fixing ambiguity algorithms are introduced;(3) The Programming module of data processing is developed using Fotran Programming language on Windows Operation System platform, blocking design is described with each sub-module function; a time comparison experiment based on the Programming is carried out using raw GPS observation data provided by IGS tracking stations, the results indicate that the precision of time comparison is up to sub-nanosecond , and a frequency stability of 7~8×10-15 is derived for averaging times of half-day.
