

Perspective of Prosperity Socialist Culture for Cultural Industry Development

【作者】 王小龙

【导师】 张惠玲;

【作者基本信息】 河南科技大学 , 思想政治教育, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 文化产业作为繁荣社会主义文化的有机组成部分,在繁荣社会主义文化中有着非常重要的地位和作用。首先,文化产业为繁荣社会主义文化提供了物质基础,在时代发展中起着价值导向作用,引领文化健康向上发展;其次,在构建和谐社会大背景下繁荣社会主义文化,发展文化产业,对于促进和谐文化建设至关重要;最后,在市场经济制度下发展文化产业,可以将思想政治教育灌输式的空洞说教教育转变为丰富而生动的潜移默化式的教育,寓教于乐,教育效果倍增。改革开放30余年来,伴随着政治、经济、社会不断向前发展,文化的不断繁荣,洛阳市文化产业也取得了长足发展,在传媒业、文化艺术服务业、文化旅游业、广告会展业以及文化用品、设备及相关文化产品的生产和销售中涌现出了众多独具特色的优势企业、优秀文化产品,在这些龙头企业、龙头产品的带动下,有力地促进了洛阳市文化产业的发展。在文化产业高速发展,促进社会主义文化大繁荣的同时,亦出现了种种不协调的现象:对发展文化产业观念的认识还没有达到对工业生产力认识的地步,没有将发展文化产业提高到发展工业的高度;在发展文化产业的过程中由于缺乏创意型、复合型人才而导致诸多优秀历史文化资源未能充分利用,不能形成文化产业链,提供不了能够满足人民群众日益增长的精神文明需求,不能在国内、国际上形成较强的文化竞争力,这些都迫切要求政府在推动文化产业发展的同时能够协助企业来解决这些问题,共同推动繁荣社会主义文化。要解决文化产业发展中出现的各种问题,就需要加快对政府文化管理部门的改革,尽快组建大文化管理部门,提高文化管理效率,为文化产业的发展提供良好的市场环境;对于政府部门不能企及的地方,要扶持非政府组织的发展,通过非政府组织来密切联系政府、文化企业和消费者,切实做好对文化企业和消费者的服务,为文化企业的发展解除后顾之忧;文化企业要在政府部门改组的同时加大文化人才的培养,特别是创意型人才的挖掘、培养,进而带动洛阳文化的产业化、国际化程度的发展,拉长文化产业发展链条,提高洛阳文化的核心竞争力,推动洛阳文化中兴,推动社会主义核心价值体系的构建,从而实现社会主义文化的大繁荣。

【Abstract】 Prosperity of socialist culture and cultural industries as an integral part in the prosperity of socialist culture has a very important position and role. First, the cultural industry for the prosperity of socialist culture provides the material basis of the development of value-oriented plays a role in leading the culture of healthy development; Second, in the context of building a harmonious society and prosperity of socialist culture, the development of cultural industries, to promote Harmonious culture is essential; Finally, the market economy system in the development of cultural industries can the ideological and political education, indoctrination into the empty preaching education subtle rich and vivid style education and recreation, education multiplier effect.For reform and opening up more than 30 years, along with economic and social development, cultural industries of Luoyang have also made considerable progress. There emerged out of a number of unique advantages of business, cultural products in media industry, cultural tourism, arts and culture services, as well as stationery, equipment and related production and marketing of cultural products. In these leading enterprises, drive by a powerful impetus to the development of cultural industry in Luoyang.In Luoyang, while the rapid development of cultural industries, there have been various uncoordinated phenomenon.The concept of cultural understanding of the productive forces has not yet reached the point where knowledge of industrial productivity, without the development of cultural industries to the height of industrial development; in the development of cultural industry, due to lack of creativity in the process type, compound talents which led to historic and cultural resources have not been fully utilized, can not form the cultural industry chain. It is not a strong competitive edge at home and abroad. These are urgent demand to promote the development of the cultural industry of Luoyang, and also help enterprises to solve these problems.To resolve the problems of the development of cultural industries in Luoyang, you need to speed up the Luoyang government cultural management sector reform, the formation of large cultural sector as soon as possible to improve the efficiency of the management of cultural industries, for the development of cultural industries to provide a good market for environment. Support the development of non-governmental organizations to solve government departments can not manage.Through non-governmental organizations to contact the Government, the cultural enterprises and consumers, a really good job of cultural enterprises and consumers, services for the development of cultural enterprises to resolve worries. Cultural enterprises need to increase the cultivation of cultural industries while the government reorganization of the department,especially of the excavation, cultivation for creative talents, to improve industrialization and internationalization level for the cultural industry development of Luoyang.To stretch Culture industry chain, and enhance the core competitiveness of cultural industry in Luoyang, promote Luoyang Culture’s resurgence, impetus socialism core value system’s construction, prosperity socialist culture.
