

The Model Study of Product Mix and Appropriate Backlog for Rare Earth Plants

【作者】 田苗

【导师】 张海峰; 卢虎生;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古科技大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 生产计划的理论研究和应用系统在石化、钢铁等领域已广泛应用,生产计划的优化提高了企业的生产效率和经济效益。由于稀土萃取作业的联合成本难以分摊、稀土原料配分(某种稀土氧化物占所有稀土氧化物的重量比)与各种元素的市场份额不平衡以及稀土产品价格间存在相关性等问题,使稀土企业生产计划模型成为近年来的研究难点和热点。目前,已有学者通过建立稀土企业产品组合模型,解决了联合成本难以分摊的问题。本论文针对产品价格间存在相关性和稀土原料配分与各种元素的市场份额不平衡的问题,完善了稀土企业生产计划模型。首先引入产品价格间的模糊关系,建立了产品组合模型M1。实例计算结果与原来假定各种稀土元素的需求和价格为独立随机变量的模型优化结果相比,乐观解与悲观解的差距缩小,有助于决策者做出科学的决策。稀土原料配分与各种元素的市场份额不平衡可能产生“双低效应”,即订单满足率和设备利用率都保持较低水平或者出现另一个极端:滞销稀土元素严重积压的问题,为此本文建立适量积压模型M2。根据期望销售价格、库存维持成本、资金利率等,计算了积压产品的现值。随稀土价格走势,积压产品的现值可高于、等于或低于现价,从而目标函数成为分段线性函数。文章采用迭代线性规划法对模型进行求解,本文模型可求解适宜积压量下现金收入或利润的极值。采用Matlab开发生产计划优化软件,在包头某稀土冶炼厂应用,运行正常。

【Abstract】 The theory research of production planning and application system have been widely applied in the petrochemical, steel industry and other fields. The optimization of production planning improve the production efficiency and economic benefits. Because of the problems of that the joint cost of production is hard to allocate, the RE material partition (weight ratio of some kind of ReO in all ReO) were not balanced with the market share of various elements and the correlation between products price and so on, the production plan model has become the difficulty and hot topic in the recent years. At present,a model of product mix, developed by He and Lu, solved the questions of the joint cost of production.In view of the problem of the correlation between products price and the imbalance between the RE material partition and the market share of various elements, the production plan model of RE plants was perfected. First by introducing the constrained of the fuzzy relations between products price, a products mix model price (M1) was established in the paper. By comparing the result of the calculation example and the optimization results of the original model that assumed that the demands and prices of various RE elements was independent random variables, the gap of optimistic solution and pessimistic solution was narrowed, and helped policy makers to make scientific decisions.The imbalance between the RE material partition and the product demand possibly leaded to“double—low effect”, orders and capacity utilization would maintain low levels or the other extreme: the serious backlog problem of unsalable RE elements. A model of appropriate backlog (M2) was established in this paper. Considering expectant sale price, inventory holding cost and interest rates, the present value of the backlog products was calculated. With the rare earth price fluctuation, the present value of the backlog products could be higher than, equal to or lower than current price, so the objective function become piecewise linear function. The model was solved by the iterative linear program. Accordingly, the model can address the maximum of cash income or profits at the appropriate amount of backlog.The production planning optimization software was designed using Matlab, which has been put into practice in the Bao Tou Steel Rare Earth Plant and operates normally.
