

Study on Sudden Water Pollution Accidents Simulating and Predicting System in Ma’ Anshan Part of Changjiang River Based on GIS Theory

【作者】 赵凯

【导师】 丁希楼;

【作者基本信息】 安徽工业大学 , 环境工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 突发性水污染以爆发突然、蔓延迅速等特点而广受社会关注,而政府环境监管部门由于缺乏有效的突发性污染预警监测手段,而陷入束手无策的境地,因此,建立突发性水污染预警支持系统意义重大。本课题以创建马鞍山长江段突发性水污染预警系统为目标,对地理信息系统理论、水环境模型理论、数据库理论等相关知识进行了系统的研究。论文主要研究了以下几个方面的内容:基于突发性水污染特点,通过对突发性水污染预警软件系统的建设目标、功能特点的综合分析,确定了系统开发的技术路线,即以水质数学模型作为理论基础,以MATLAB作为模型求解工具,结合ArcEngine地理信息系统二次开发控件,在Visual studio.NET环境中开发马鞍山长江段突发性水污染模拟预测系统,同时,建立基于Access的突发性水污染预警支持系统数据库,作为突发性水污染预警系统的数据支持。研究了河流一维和二维水质模型,介绍了其解析解的编程求解方法。在MATLAB Guide中实现基于一维和二维模型解析解的用户交互界面,并将结果在直角坐标系中进行动态静态可视化研究。针对污染物扩散解析解在直角坐标系中可视化效果不够直观的缺点,通过坐标系转换及等值线渲染等操作,尝试将二维污染物扩散模型的计算结果在GIS AxmapControl控件中进行可视化研究。创建突发性水污染预警支持系统数据库,数据库记录了基础地理信息、基础环境信息、属性数据信息等决策支持信息,并创建数据库管理界面,实现数据的添加、删除、修改等操作。

【Abstract】 Sudden water pollution accidents accumulated great attention of the society for the characteristics of bursting suddenly and spreading fast. The government environmental protection department was always in a dilemma because of lacking effective predicting and monitoring methods while sudden water pollution accidents happen. So the establishment of sudden water pollution accidents simulating and predicting system is of great significance. In order to establish a sudden water pollution accidents simulating and predicting system in ma’anshan part of changjiang river, several correlative theories were studied systemically in this paper which includes geography information system theory, water environment mathematical model theory and database theory. What we studied mainly in this paper is as follows.Through comprehensive analysis of the aim of establishing sudden water pollution accidents simulating and predicting system and its functional features which based on the characteristics of sudden water pollution accidents, technical route of developing this system was confirmed. Using water environment mathematical model as theoretical basis and MATLAB software as tool to solve the mathematical models, sudden water pollution accidents simulating and predicting system was developed with ArcEngine components in Visual Studio 2008.NET software developing environment. At the same time, a database was built with Access2003 software to provide decision support information.1-dimension and 2-dimension water environment mathematical models and its analytic solutions were introduced. Interactive user interfaces based on 1-dimension and 2-dimension water environment mathematical model analytic solutions were designed with the help of MATLAB Guide and the analytic solutions were visualized dynamically and statically in a rectangular coordinate system. Considering the disadvantages of analytic solutions visualization performance in a rectangular coordinate system, we tried to achieve visualization in a GIS AxmapControl control by means of changing coordinate system and drawing isopleths.A database was created including fundamental geography information, fundamental environment information and attribute information which was used for simulating and predicting sudden water pollution accidents. A database management system was also developed and connected to the database to complete adding, deleting, and altering all this information.

  • 【分类号】X853
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】314