

【作者】 李家

【导师】 丁希楼;

【作者基本信息】 安徽工业大学 , 市政工程, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,景观水体已经成为城市居民生活中重要的组成部分,对于改变人居环境有着重要作用。但是同时景观水体的水质恶化问题也不容忽视,由于多数景观水体为静止或流动性差的缓流水体,水体的自净能力弱,易被污染,从而导致不同程度的富营养化,逐渐丧失其应有的功能。首先,本实验采用人工模拟自然的方法,研究了蜈蚣草、菹草、黑藻、水芹菜、水葱、菖蒲等六种水生植物对富营养化水体中营养元素的降低作用。通过综合比较,六种水生植物对营养盐的降低效果:水芹菜>蜈蚣草>菹草>水葱>黑藻>菖蒲,其中水芹菜、蜈蚣草是降低TN、TP元素效果最佳的物种。其次,研究了蜈蚣草和水芹菜的最佳种植密度。蜈蚣草的最佳种植密度在5.0g/1左右,其TP降低率达到99.0%以上,TN降低率达到80.0%以;浮水植物水芹菜的最佳种植密度在3.0g/1左右,其TP降低率达到80.0%以上,TN降低率达到70.0%以上。然后,研究了蜈蚣草和水芹菜在不同水质中对TN、TP元素的吸收降低情况。实验结果表明:两物种均能适应不同水质并获得良好的TN、TP降低效果。水芹菜的最佳N/P=15/1左右,其TN降低率达到83.7%左右,TP降低率达到了85.6%左右;蜈蚣草的最佳N/P=10/1-15/1之间,其TN降低率达到69.0%左右,TP降低率达到94.6%左右。最后,利用不同植物系统组合处理东方明珠人工湖水体。处理后的水体中营养盐含量明显降低,水质得到显著改善,对处理前后的水体进行营养评价,不同植物系统均有效地控制了水体的富营养化,其控制效果最好的是水芹菜和蜈蚣草结合组,可以作为处理马鞍山市景观水体的首选。另外,实验采用化学方法作为治理景观水体的辅助手段。综合考虑化学药剂的Chla去除效果,对景观水体色度和浊度影响,对水生植物的影响以及经济因素等,建议采用聚合氯化铝作为治理景观水体夏季藻类爆发的首选。

【Abstract】 In recent years,landscape water has become an important part of city people’s live and it has an important role in improving living environment.But the quality of landscape water deteriorates very quickly is not ignored at the same time.Most of the landscape waters are stillness or flows very slowly and they do not have strong self-purification capability, so they are easy to be polluted.Consequently,it leads to different degrees of eutrophication and gradually lose their function of landscape water originally should have at last.Firstly, the reduction of nutrients of six water plants were researched under simulated condition.It can be concluded through comprehensive comparison that reduction of nutrient salt is Oenanthe javanica>Ladder brake>Potamogeton crispus>Softstem bulrush>Hydrilla verticillata>Acorus calamus, and the reduction of TN、TP of Oenanthe javanica and Ladder brake were the best of all tested aquatic.Secondly, the best planting density of Ladder brake and Oenanthe javanica were studied. The best planting density of Ladder brake is about 5.0g/l, the reduction rate of TP and TN reached above 99.0% and 80.0% respectively; the best planting density of Oenanthe javanica is about 3.0g/l, the reduction rate of TP and TN reached above 80.0% and 70.0% respectively.Thirdly, the reduction situation of TN、TP of Ladder brake and Oenanthe javanica in different water quality were studied. The test results indicated that the two species can adapt to different water quality and the reduce effection of TN、TP is very good.The best N/P of Oenanthe javanica is about 15/1, the reduction rate of TN and TP achieved about 83.7% and 85.6% respectively; The best N/P of Ladder brake is 10/1 to 15/1, the reduction rate of TN and TP achieved about 69.0% and 94.6% respectively.Finally, the artificial lake water of Dongfangmingzhu was processed by different combination of plant systems.The water quality has been distinctly improved after the processing and different plant systems effectively control the eutrophication of water body through nutritional status appraisal,it can be concluded that the effection of combination of Oenanthe javanica and Ladder brake is the best of all which can be the first choice to deal with landsape water in Ma’anshan.In addition, the chemical method was adopted as supplementary means to process landscape water in the test. It can be concluded that PAC is the best choice to control algae outbreak of landscape water in summer through comparison of reduce effect of Chla, impact on chromaticity and turbidity, the influence on water plants and economic factors.
