

SharePoint Application Research in Zhejiang Province Prison Administration Bureau’s E-government

【作者】 黄志剑

【导师】 胡同森;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 计算机技术, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 加快司法行政系统的信息化建设,利用现代计算机技术和通讯技术等手段,建立全国司法行政信息系统,实现部委机关与各省、自治区、直辖市司法厅(局)及监狱、劳教管理部门之间的计算机联网,改善司法行政管理工作,提高各项司法行政业务的管理水平,为各级司法行政机关的决策提供快速、准确的司法信息服务,已成为一项重要的任务。在浙江省监狱管理局电子政务的快速发展的同时,我们也看到浙江省监狱管理局的信息工程遇到的一些问题。这些问题大致如下:1.系统建设过于分散,造成数据资源共享困难;2.缺乏统一的应用支撑体系,系统的通用功能模块普遍存在着重复建设的问题;3.整个电子政务信息体系随着电子政务应用的增多变得越来越复杂,引发电子政务应用在使用、管理及运行维护上的新问题;4.统一规划与标准规范的缺失导致信息化管理部门对应用建设缺少科学的依据。本项目是面向省监狱局电子政务体系的基础软件设施和公共应用。运用SOA和模块化的系统架构设计思路,设计出适应浙江省监狱管理局适应未来持续发展的电子政务总体框架。建立一个完整的体系结构,达到系统能力平衡发展的目标,提供G2C、G2B、G2E、G2G的整体能力。架构的子系统分化方面充分考虑了目前市场上已有的各种成熟产品(中间件、各种平台)能够使政府最大程度地采用成熟产品进行高起点开发建设。Office SharePoint Server 2007具备通过一个集成的平台(而不是依靠分散的系统)来支持整个企业内的所有内部网、外部网和Web应用程序的能力,可以为省局各个部门及其他相关用户解决目前面临的具有共性的问题,并为将来建设个性解决方案和应用系统提供支持。

【Abstract】 In order to speed up information construction of judicial administration system, use modern computer and communication technique to construct nationwide judicial administration system, realize computer networking among institutions, provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities judicial hall(bureau), prisons, reeducation-through-labor centers, improve management works and levels of judicial administration, afford quick, accurate judicial information service for judicial administration bureaus at all levels has become an important task.The E-government of Zhejiang Prison Management Bureau develops very quickly, but meanwhile many issues are existed. The main problems are as below:1.System construction is too scattered, so data resource sharing becomes difficult.2.Being lack of unified application supporting system, redundant construction is common problem of general function modules in system.3.With the increasing of E-government application, E-government information system is becoming more and more complicated, which initiates new problems in using, managing and maintaining.4.Being lack of unified planning and standard planning, which results that information management department has few scientific basis.This project is about the fundamental software establishment and public application of E-government of Zhejiang Prison Bureau whose main construction idea is to use of SOA and modular system architecture design ideas, to design the E-government application’s overall framework of Zhejiang Prison Bureau. The establishment of a complete architecture can provide the overall capacity of G2C,G2B,G2E and G2G.Its Subsystem has been taken full account of mature products (middleware, various platforms),and help the government’s development and construction get higher degree. The SharePoint Server 2007 using an integrated plat form (not decentralized systems), supports the enterpriser’s Intranet/Extranet and Web application. It also can solve common problem that each department and related users are facing now, and provide support for building in individuation solution and application system in the future.
