

Experimental Study on Composite Self-insulation Concrete Blocks

【作者】 申绘芳

【导师】 杨杨;

【作者基本信息】 浙江工业大学 , 结构工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国建筑节能和墙体材料改革工作的开展,混凝土空心砌块由于其具有节土节能的特点,成为替代实心黏土砖的墙体材料在我国得到了大力推广。但是,近年来的一些研究表明,混凝土空心砌块的保温隔热性能并不能完全满足国家相关节能标准规定的要求,需要对其进行改进。本文所研究的复合自保温砌块即是通过在混凝土小型空心砌块的空腔内注入低密度的泡沫混凝土,使两者复合构成一种新型墙体自保温砌块,使其具有良好的保温隔热性能,满足我国建筑节能对墙体材料的要求。在调查分析相关研究成果和文献的基础上,本文通过对泡沫混凝土自身的组成和性能的研究,获得了三种不同密度和强度的泡沫混凝土,并将其填充在混凝土空心砌块中,构成复合自保温砌块,进一步地通过对其力学和热工试验的研究,并与未填充泡沫混凝土的砌块砌体性能进行比较和分析,得出以下几点结论:(1)发泡剂稀释比例和发泡机的搅拌转速对所制得的泡沫的质量和品质的影响较为显著,发泡剂用量、水灰比及减水剂掺量对泡沫混凝土的抗压强度、干密度和吸水率会产生重要的影响。(2)内注低密度的泡沫混凝土对复合自保温砌块的抗折强度和砌体的抗剪强度的提高显著。所填泡沫混凝土的干密度越大,其抗折能力和抗剪能力越强。(3)本文所研制的复合自保温砌块的实测热工性能指标均能达到规范所规定的指标要求。双排孔砌块砌体的保温隔热性能好于单排孔砌块砌体。所填泡沫混凝土的干密度越低,复合自保温砌块的保温隔热性能越好。(4)现有规范规定的有关混凝土小型砌块砌体的抗压强度的计算公式基本适用于本文研究的内填低密度泡沫混凝土的复合砌块砌体的抗压强度的计算,但是,其抗剪强度依据现有规范规定的强度公式计算时,双排孔复合自保温砌块的实测值处于不安全一侧,建议规范所规定的计算公式中与块体类别有关的系数k5要作修正,本文建议k5取0.055。

【Abstract】 Along with the work of energy efficiency in buildings and innovation in wall materials carrying out in our country, concrete hollow block has been vigorously promoted in China as an alternative solid clay brick in the wall material, because of its energy-saving and land-saving features. However, in recent years, some studies have shown that the thermal insulation effect of concrete hollow blocks can’t meet the national requirements related to energy efficiency standards fully, and the concrete hollow block need to be modified. The composite self-insulation block in this article was injected the low-density foaming concrete into the concrete hollow block’s cavity, and makes them become a new wall self-insulation block, so that it has good insulation properties, and can meet the energy-efficient building requirements of the wall materials.Based on the investigation and analysis of related research and literature, through the research on foaming concrete composition and properties, three kinds foaming concrete of different density and strength were obtained, filled them into the concrete hollow block, constitute the composite self-insulation concrete blocks, further, through the research of its mechanical and thermal experiments, we compare and analyze it with the performance of blocks unfilled with low-density foaming concrete and obtain the following conclusions :(1)Dilution ratio of foaming agent and stirring speed of foaming machine affect the quality of foam significantly, the dosages of foaming agent, the water-cement ratio of concrete and the dosages of water-reducing agent have an important impact on compressive strength, dry density and water absorption of foaming concrete.(2)Filling with low-density foaming concrete could increase flexural strength of the composite block and shear strength of masonry significantly. The greater dry density of foam concrete filled in the composite insulation blocks is, the stronger its flexural performance and shear performance are.(3)The measured thermal performance indicators of composite self-insulation block which was developed in this experiment can meet the national requirements related to energy efficiency standards. The thermal insulation performance of double hole blocks was better than the single row of holes masonry’s. The lower dry density of foam concrete filled in the composite insulation blocks was,the better thermal insulation properties of the composite self-insulation blocks were.(4)The calculation formula about compressive strength of concrete small blocks, under the existing guidelines, was suitable to calculate compressive strength of the composite block filled with low-density foaming concrete in this study, however, when its shear strength was calculated according to strength formula under the existing guidelines, measured data of double hole composite self-insulation blocks situates in the unsafe side, we suggest the coefficient k5 about block types in the calculation formula under the existing guidelines should be modified , this article suggested that the coefficient k5 equal to 0.055.
