

On the Tang Poetry Notes and Comments of Tang Ru-xun

【作者】 薛宝生

【导师】 雷恩海;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 有明一代,出于对其世诗歌发展的关怀,文人多以倡言复古、革新和选诗两途,作为振起诗道的手段。方式不同,而旨归实一。就选诗而言,明代选本众多,而研究者多留意于《唐诗品汇》《唐诗选》《诗归》等名选,而忽视了其他选本。然在其他选本中,亦有别出心裁而有资于研究者,唐汝询《唐诗解》便是其中之一。关于唐汝询《唐诗解》,当代也有少量的研究资料,尤以王振汉先生的研究为最。然亦仅论其大概,而缺乏系统、深入的理论研究。本文将从唐汝询概况、《唐诗解》产生的背景、体例、选诗目的、选诗细目、成书情况到选诗标准、诗论思想、注解方法以及选诗、解诗的是非得失等方面,一一加以阐明。第一部分:引言。概述唐诗选本发展的基本情况,特别突出明代唐诗选本的发展概况,并对唐汝询《唐诗解》的研究状况及与之有关的资料进行梳理。第二部分:主要对唐汝询的身世、著述情况等加以考证,兼及唐汝询著述精神及《唐诗解》一选的选诗目的,更将《唐诗解》一选置于明代唐诗选本发展脉络及明代文学思潮演变的大背景下,加以考察。第三部分:因《唐诗解》一选,乃参仿《品汇》而成。故而从《品汇》出发,探其体例沿革,并对《唐诗解》所选唐诗进行详细地统计、分类研究,并与《品汇》等加以比照,以观其选诗的详情,并整合上述研究结果,对《唐诗解》一选成书的实际情况加以推测、论证。第四部分:在以上数据统计及对所选作品进行分析的基础上,探讨其选诗的标准。其选诗有取于当时当世选家者,有契合其审美兴趣者,大抵不出“言志”“缘情”两端。而其解诗时所体现出的诗美思想,也可以佐证其选诗标准。第五部分:专就唐汝询《唐诗解》的注诗方法、解诗方法加以研究,并结合具体的实例加以推演、分析。第六部分:结语。评定唐汝询选诗的是非得失及解诗的是非得失,总结全文。

【Abstract】 The Ming Dynasty, because literaties concern for the development of poetry, they advocated return, innovation or selected poems, as a means to shake Poems. Although in different ways and the aim is the same. In repect of the Poetry’s election,the anthologies of the Ming Dynasty are plentiful, but researchers payed more attention to The classical Collection of Tang Poetry ,The Anthology of Tang Poetry and Tang Poetry eseence ,and so on. but they neglected others. However, in other anthologies, there have also ingenious and valuable anthologies , Tang Ru-xun’s The Notes And Conments of Tang Poetry is one of them.For the anthology, contemporary research materials is rare, nothing is more valuable than Mr. Wang Zhen-han’s merits. However, their works have just described outline of Tang’s anthology, and lack of systematic, in-depth theoretical study. The paper will elaborate following matters: Mr. Tang’s elemental situation,the anthology’s background and style, purpose of the election poetry, breakdown of selected poems, case of the formmation, the standard of election poetry, poetic ideas, methods of comment and noting poems, the anthology’s merits, gains and losses,etc.Part I: Introduction. It illustrates generally the basic situation that the anthologies of Tang poems in developmental process, especially in the development of Tang poetry anthologies of the Ming Dynasty, and sort out relevant information about the elemental situation of researching of this anthology and dates.Part II: It illustrates mainly about the life experience of Tang Ru-xun , elemental situation of his works, and the spirit of Tang’s writing and the purpose of election,etc. In addition,puting the anthology in the development process of Tang Poems and the evolution of the Literary thoughts in Ming Dynasty, and to examined.Part III: Because The Notes And Conments of Tang Poetry refered to The classical Collection of Tang Poetry, in order to observe the election poetry details ,the chapter will explore the evolution of style, and make the statistical and research to its detailed classification selection from latter. Then, to sum up the above findings, the actual situation of the anthology’s forming will be speculate and argue.Part IV: based on the above statistics and analysis,the chapter will explore the criterion of selecting poems. Some parts of the criteria stemed form other thoughters, others fited his aesthetic interest. but, it did not exceed basically the scope: "will" and "emotion". His reviews embodied a series of poetic thinkings, we can also choose some parts as an evidence of his standard of selecting pomes.Part V: the chapter will inspect the approach of notes and reviews methods,and combined with concrete examples to deduction and analysis.Part VI: Conclusion. The chapter will assess merits and mistakes of Tang’s selecting and remark poems, and summarize the paper.

  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】4
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