

A Study on Li Dongyang’s Poetry

【作者】 熊小月

【导师】 张兵;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 李东阳是明代著名的政治家、文学家。他是明代前中期的文坛领袖,复古格调派诗歌理论的奠基者。李东阳的一生著述丰富,有《怀麓堂稿》、《怀麓堂续稿》等作品集传世。他的诗歌“大气”、“流丽”,对当时“冗沓肤廓”的台阁体是一种廓清。本文力图在全面占有资料和吸收前人研究成果的基础上,对李东阳的诗歌创作及其理论进行比较全面和系统的探究。绪论部分介绍了李东阳的生平概况,并对其诗歌研究的历史及现状进行了简要回顾。第一章交待了李东阳的生平、交游。在生平方面主要就其三次出游作了详细的介绍,介绍是结合其诗歌进行的;而交游方面主要就李东阳与茶陵派和前七子中主要人物的往来作了表述。第二章主要从文体批评、诗学取向、诗学风格与诗学内涵四个方面探讨了李东阳诗学理论的主要成就和特征。第三章是本文的主体,它分为两个部分。第一部分从思想内容的角度对李东阳的诗歌创作进行了全面的分类论述,主要体现在五个方面:民生疾苦、台阁、风景、题画、交游唱和。第二部分对李东阳诗歌的艺术特色作了概括和总结:其诗情真意切,清新自然;取材民歌,诗歌趋向通俗化;他的诗还与社会现实高度结合,具有强烈的现实主义精神。馀论部分就其诗歌方面的成就对李东阳在中国古代文学史上的地位和影响作了概述。

【Abstract】 Li Dongyang, who is a famous statesman, author, belongs to the chief of the literature in the middle age of Ming Dynasty. He is the founder of classicist school as well. Li Dongyang ’s whole life is abundant in literary works, such as huai lu tang gao,huai lu tang xu gao ,are well-known among them. His poems are magnificent and floridity in style, which clear laggard poetry away at that time. My essay based on all the available study and the former research investigates Li Dongyang ’s poems creation and its theories.The introduction tells Li Dongyang ’s daily life, and reviews the history of his poems, the status as well. Chapter one includes his daily life which will be introduced accompanied by his poems and three outings which will be discussed along with the relationships between the main poets of the Chalin school and Li Dongyang,and former seven with Li Dongyang. Chapter two discusses his achievement and feature of his poetry theory, according to literary comments, poetry trend, poetry style and poetry content. Chapter three is the main part of the essay which can be divided into two parts:The first explains his poetry development in sort from its thought and contents. Generally, it will be showed in five factors: people’s hardship, buildings, sights, paintings and outings. The second part concludes the art feature of Li Dongyang ’s poems, which can be described as true feelings, nature, popular and folk forming. Besides, his poems are highly related to the reality and have a strong spirit. The last part contains Li Dongyang ’s achievements in poetry literature and the position in Chinese history, and the effect as well.

【关键词】 李东阳诗歌理论创作艺术特色
【Key words】 Li Dongyangpoemstheoriescreationsart features
  • 【分类号】I207.22
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】228