

The Relationship between Subjective Well-Being of Married Career Women and Marital Quality

【作者】 王玉霞

【导师】 张海钟;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 已婚职业女性主观幸福感程度影响婚姻质量的高低,婚姻质量的高低也对人们的生活满意度和幸福感体验程度有一定的影响。本论文在对大量的相关文献资料分析的基础上,试图从已婚职业女性婚姻质量、主观幸福感、人格、和社会支持的现状出发,研究主观幸福感和婚姻质量的关系,提出影响幸福感和婚姻质量的相关因素为社会支持和人格,并试图用路径分析验证幸福感是如何通过人格和社会支持这两个相关因素来影响婚姻质量。本研究选取甘肃省内的已婚职业女性共320名,有效被试300名进行问卷调查,结果表明:1、已婚职业女性的婚姻质量略低于常模,文化程度、职业类型、家属职业状况和文化程度对她们的婚姻质量有较为显著的影响。2、已婚职业女性对幸福感的内心体验相对较高,在文化程度,家属职业状况,家庭月收入和有无儿女上差异显著;并且社会支持系统良好。3、人格维度中的行事风格和人际关系对婚姻质量的影响相对较大,并与社会支持和幸福感指数的联合解释力度为38.6%。4、主观幸福感对婚姻质量有着积极的影响,社会支持和人格也是影响婚姻质量的重要因素,主观幸福感通过社会支持和人格间接地调节婚姻质量的高低,并且主观幸福感、社会支持和人格共同作用于婚姻质量。

【Abstract】 Subjective Well-being is closely related to Marital Quality. SWB influence marital uality deeply and vice versa.This thesis starts from the analysis of married career women’s Marital Quality, SWB, personality and social support. It goes on with the research of the relationship between Marital Quality and SWB, and comes to the conclusion that personality and social support can serve as mid-variables,using path analysis to validate how SWB influences Marital Quality through personality and social support.In this study, 320 questionnaries were sent to married career women,all of whom are selected from Gansu province, 300 valid answers were received. The following conclusion have been made from this survey.1、Married career women’s Marital Quality, as a whole, is lower than the normal a little bit, and varies with their career type, dependents jobs and education background.2、Their score in social support is obviously above average,and varies with their education background, dependents jobs, income and children; and their score in SWB is correspondingly above average.3、Personality styles and interpersonal relationship influence Marital Quality with social support and well-being ,thire joint explanatory power is 38.6%.4、SWB, personality and social support have positive effect on Marital Quality; SWB indirectly influence upon marital quality through personality and social support.

  • 【分类号】C913.1
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】652