

The Study of the Actuality and Strategy of Mongolian Boarding School

【作者】 李改兰

【导师】 杨军;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 蒙古族寄宿制学校对内蒙古西部偏远贫困落后的牧区教育意义非常重大,一方面,内蒙古西部地区蒙古族聚居人口较少,寄宿制办学保障了广大牧区孩子上学的权益,使他们在受教育的起点上享受到平等的待遇;另一方面,西部地区蒙语环境小,蒙古族汉化现象较为严重,因此寄宿制学校对内蒙古西部地区蒙语及蒙古族文化有很好的保存和传承的作用。蒙古族寄宿制学校既有一般寄宿制学校的特点,又有自身发展的特点,如经费投入、课程设置、寄宿制管理等方面有民族的特殊性和特色。本论文通过个案研究,实地调查了一所九年一贯制蒙古族寄宿制学校的经费投入、资源配置、课程、教学、管理等现状,具体分析了该学校存在的问题,最后提出解决这些问题的对策。本论文分为三个部分。第一部分是绪论,包括研究的缘起与意义、研究现状综述、理论依据、研究思路与方法。第二部分是正文,包括两个章节。第一章是个案学校现状调查,包括样本地区经济、教育及个案学校发展概况,个案学校资源配置、课程、教学、学校管理的情况;第二章具体分析了个案学校现状中存在的问题,包括经费不足,一些基础设施有待改善和提高;教师队伍年龄结构不太合理,小学教师男女比例有待于进一步调整,部分学科教师紧缺;文化课程设置偏多,师生压力较大;三语课程教材内容陈旧,篇幅较多,内容偏难;校本课程课时数少,参加人数少,开设未正规化;教师管理统一化,没有自主创新发展的空间;住宿管理存在疏漏,不良风气暗地滋生;食堂饭菜单一,价格较贵,存在卫生隐患问题;寄宿生周末生活缺乏安排等问题。第三部分是结论,主要针对样本学校现存问题提出以下对策和建议:增加对蒙族教育事业的资金投入,建立长效的经费保障机制;平衡教师队伍结构,做好师资队伍建设;合理设置课程,切实减轻学生负担;树立以人为本的管理理念。

【Abstract】 The Mongolian boarding schools are very important for the western of Inner Mongolia’s education.On the one hand,the Mongolia population of the western Inner Mongolia is small,so the boarding schools ensure the children’s education right,making them receive equitable treatment at the beginning of education.On the other hand,the use of Mongolian is not prevalent and the Mongolian gradually turns to Chinese.Lucky,the boarding schools plays an important role in protecting the language and culture of Mongolia.The Mongolia boarding schools are characteristic for its own ethical features, such as the outlay the curriculum setting and the supervision. By investigating a typical case, this paper studies the actuality of the case boarding school,such as the outlay,the collocation of resource,the curriculum,the teaching and the supervision.Also,this paper analyses the problems of the case school and brings forward some countermeasures to solve these problems.This paper has been divided into three parts.The first part is about the introduction,including the background and the significance of my research,the research actuality at home,the theoretical basis and the research method.The second part is about the text, including two chapters.The first chapter is about the background of the case school,including the general situation of the school,the resource collocation of the school, the curriculum of the school,the teaching of the school and the supervision of the school.The second chapter analyses the school’s problems,including the outlay deficiency,the physical condition needs to be improved;the teacher’s age structure isn’t rational,primary school teacher’s age structure needs to be improved and the teachers of some parts of subject are in deficiency;the sciential curriculums are so big that the stress of teachers and students is too heavy.Also,the curriculum contents are too old and too difficult;the school—based curriculum isn’t in its normal condition;the teachers don’t have independent development room;the dormitory management exists oversight,leading to bad vogue;the kinds of the dining-room meal are very badly off but the price is very high and the sanitation is very bad;On the weekend,the boarder students’life is very bald.The third part is about the conclusion.Based on the case school’s problems,I bring forward the conclusions as follows:increasing the outlay for the Mongolia education and constituting effective guarantee system,advancing the quality of the teachers;using rational curriculum structure,alleviating the students’stress and building up the people oriented idea.

  • 【分类号】G759.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】245