

The Ethnic Group Response to Urban Evolution in the Hehuang Region

【作者】 王轲

【导师】 张志斌;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 人文地理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 河湟地区是考察城镇演化过程中族群响应的典型区域。从历史地理角度审视,河湟流域城镇为历代经营、发展地方经济的凭借,因而其发展具有延续性和稳定性;从民族史角度追溯,河湟流域为历史形成的民族地区——东西横向之“古氐羌走廊”,汉、藏、土、回、蒙、东乡、保安、撒拉等诸多民族相间其中,呈小聚居、大分散的带状分布。在多元、开放、兼容的河湟文化影响下,相对封闭的自然地域中,城镇与族群成为不可分裂的生长体。改革开放三十年特别是西部大开发十年来,西部地区城市化进程明显加快,由此导致的“时空压缩”使得地方特色、民族特色流失现象日益突出。论文时间跨度取自史前时期、秦汉至近代,从城镇和族群的演化特征对两者的内在逻辑作初步探究,以期为城镇多族群文化功能修复及历史空间重塑提供理性参照。本论文在大量检索国内外相关研究和历史文献的基础上,采用区域历史地理的横剖面法,通过复原河湟地区人文地理景观的变化过程,深入挖掘城镇—民族体系响应机制;从地理学区域分析角度,运用地理学、民族学、历史学相关理论分析、论证,构建研究体系,展现民族交错区城镇发展与变迁的完整轨迹,为现代城市、民族发展现状做出发生学上的解释。研究表明:1.民族交错带的城镇和族群演化过程是一对在时间序列上,多元之间、多维之间或多极之间交互作用的历史范畴,体现在无限扩展的“作用关系”和连绵不断的“作用过程”之中。2.城镇—族群系统演化过程响应具有开放性、动态性、时序性、层次性。3.城镇—族群系统的结构指以城镇空间为载体的政治、经济、文化、宗教等不同的族群活动及其内部组织结构,包括原始族群以血缘关系缔结的文化区系,地缘政治国家边界形成、振荡与民族走廊突破,农牧二元经济结构与族群互市贸易点、线、网络乃至商业区的形成。4.城镇—族群系统的功能包括牵引人口跨地域流动和加速生产要素定向聚集、深化族际交往与族群融合、有利于民族经济体和民族地区商业市场体系形成、城镇空间的历史与文化延续性增强。5.河湟地区城镇—族群系统演化分为:①古文化区系中的甘青文化区—氏族起源②“核心—边缘”格局中的郡县—部落联盟产生③割据政权下的国都性城镇——族体建构④多元一体格局下的建制城市体系——河湟多民族形成四个响应阶段。6.河湟地区城镇—族群系统演变趋势表征为稳定性增强、多元化突出、整合运行层次水平尚低。基于此,发掘少数民族地区经济体自身增长力推进多民族地区小城镇建设,顺应民族经济的城镇化倾向建立完备的城市体系传递网络,纵深推进城市民族社区建设并丰富都市的多元民族文化属性是发挥民族文化对城镇化软核心实力功能、城镇化对民族关系良性疏导作用、促进民族团结、构建和谐社会的主要途径。

【Abstract】 The Hehuang is the typica l region surveyed phenomena of ethnic group responseto urban evolution. From the angle of historica l geography, by virtue of ma naging theregiona l economy in the later dynasties,the urbans in Hehuangregion were continuityand stability. From the angle of historica l ethnicity, Hehuang was the Di and QiangCorridor and was a region inhabited by the Hans, Tibetans, Tus, Huis,Mongols,Dongxia ngs,Bona ns and Salars in housing space, withsma ll concentratedliving and large distributing living. Under the effect of diverse,open and compatibleculture in the occlud ing geographical space,the urbansa ndethnic groups become acombined system which cannot be split from each ether. 30 years of reform andopening up especia lly after western development,with the development of city expand,the regiona l andthe ethnic features loss in“spatiotempora l compression”.This paperstudies the evolution and characteristics analysis of urban-ethnic group for the timespanedPrehistoric Ages to Late Qing Dynasty, which is expected to providereferencefor multi-ethnic societies functiona l recovery and historic space remodel.The paper based on a large number of information retrieva l about which relatedstudies and historica l document,adopt regiona l history section and excavate themecha nism deeply through recoverying the geographical la ndscape. From the angle ofgeography using geographical,ethnological and historica l theories to built the researchsystem andexpla in the relationship between ethnology and urban. The research showsthat: 1. In the ethnic ecotone urban and ethnic group are interaction on historica lcategorization.2. The process of ethnic group’s responsing to urban are dynamic,openned,timeorderedand hierarchy.3. The structure of urban and ethnic group system based on urban space andincluded primitive cla n cultural regiona l system,nationa l boundaries,muslimpassageway, formation of shopping centre and so on.4.The function of urban and ethnic group system include migrate onmovement,mea ns of production togather,ethnic fusion,formation of businessmarketplace,urban historica l and cultural space developing.5. The urban and ethnic group system historica l process are divide into four parts:Gan-Qing cultural regiona l system-cla n origin,counties under core and edge structure the formation of federation union-capital during separatist region-time-nationa litykonstruktion,urban organizationa l system urder thed iversity-based-on unifica tionpattern of ethnic culture sdmzp formation inHehuang region.6. The evolutionary trend of urban and ethnic group system are stability,diversification and runs lowly.Therefore, unearth the inner capacity increase in minority nationa lity regions toimpulse construction of sma ll towns ,pander the urbaniza tion tendency to built urbansystem propagation network,promote further development of urban community toabundant urban culture property are the approach to promot theunity of all ethnicgroups and build a harmonious society.
