

An Analysis on Spatial Pattern of Lanzhou Tourist Attractions Based on GIS

【作者】 杨硕

【导师】 赵军; 苗天宝;

【作者基本信息】 西北师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 兰州市坐中四连,是西北地区重要的商贸中心,有丰富的旅游资源,但其旅游业发展却不尽如人意,因此本文将以兰州为研究对象,对兰州市旅游景点进行空间格局的研究。城市旅游景点空间格局是对城市内旅游系统中各个要素之间的空间结构关系。对城市空间旅游结构进行研究,有利于合理利用城市中的旅游景点,合理规划城市的旅游布局。为城市的旅游发展进行科学建议。本文总结了区域旅游空间结构研究主要理论基础,介绍了论文的研究方法和研究思路,对旅游景点的空间分布类型确定了研究的定性指标:最近邻点指数,中心位置,离散程度和集中程度。在GIS方法的基础上,运用旅游的方法对兰州的旅游空间格局进行分析,主要运用旅游资源集聚效应(R)、连接度分析(拓扑图论中的β指数、γ指数)、通达度分析(通达度指数Ai、平均径路长、紧密度指数C)等空间结构分析方法,从旅游节点、通道要素、域面要素以及城市旅游客源地市场四个方面对兰州旅游资源空间结构进行了全面的分析。通过计算得到R=0.19,认为兰州是一个旅游景点呈集聚型类型分布的城市,景点相对集中在城关区,与兰州特殊的地形以及各区历史发展有着很大关系,各旅游景点(区)之间的空间联系较弱,交通、宣传等方面需要加强和改进。通过对兰州的旅游空间结构的旅游节点、通道要素、域面要素、城市旅游客源地市场四个要素分析,对兰州的旅游景点进一步分析划分,认为兰州有四个集中的旅游区域,分别为北片旅游区、南片城市休闲区、市中旅游区以及西固旅游区,各区之间的屏蔽效应存在但是影响不大。本文紧接着利用层次分析法对兰州旅游资源进行定量评价,兰州的旅游景点总体得分不高,人文旅游资源的评价值明显高于自然旅游资源,评价值较高的景点主要集中在城关区,从而提出相应的开发策略;由于南北两山存在较多的森林公园旅游资源,对兰州森林公园也进行了定量评价,但是兰州的森林公园旅游功能却没有完全发挥,特别是一些景区级别较高的森林公园也存在这种问题,一方面由于交通的原因,另一方面也由于宣传、服务上的不足。通过以上的分析评价,对兰州旅游存在的问题及解决方案在文章最后提出:改善交通;加强对老景区、老景点的旅游环境整治,加强对新景区点开发建设的规划指导,促进旅游产品优化升级;搞好两山、两街以及三个旅游区的开发,大力提升兰州市旅游城市形象。

【Abstract】 Lanzhou city, sitting in the four companies, is an important trade center inNorthwest China, is rich in tourism resources, but it falls short of its tourismdevelopment. This paper will study the object of Lanzhou, and do the research onLanzhou City’s the spatial pattern of tourist attractions. Spatial pattern of urban touristattractions is the structural relationship of the various elements in the city tourismsystem. Do the research on urban spatial structure of tourism is beneficial andreasonable use of the city’s tourist attractions, and reasonable layout of city planning,and can give scientific advice for the city’s tourism development.This paper summarizes the main theoretical basis of regional tourism’s spatialStructure ,introduces the research method and research ideas, defines the qualitativeindex for the type of spatial distribution of tourist attractions,including:Nearestneighbor index、Center and Degree of dispersion and concentration。Based on themethod in GIS,Using the methods of travel analyses the spatial pattern of tourism ofLanzhou. This paper main uses the methods, including the combined effect of tourismresources(R),Connectivity analysis(βindex,γindex) and accessibilityanalysis(Accessibility index(Ai),the average path length, close index(C)),and from thetourism node, the channel element, the domain surface elements and the four citytourist source market in terms of spatial structure of tourism resources in Lanzhou,gives a comprehensive analysis. By calculation, R=0.19, so Lanzhou is a tourist cityof concentration, most scenic spots in Chengguan, this has a great relationship withthe special landform and historical development of Lanzhou. There is the weak link ofspace between the tourist attractions. Traffic and publicity need to strengthen andimprove. The article analyzed four factors, including tourism node, channel elements,the domain factor and tourists market of city. With further analysis of Lanzhou touristattractions, it makes clear that Lanzhou tourist areas are divided four concentration,north tourist district, south urban leisure district, city tourist district and Xigu touristdistrict. Then we evaluated the tourist resources of Lanzhou base on AHP, they hadlower score, The value of culture tourism resources is more than natural tourismresources’. At the same time, the article evaluated the forest park in Lanzhou. Becauseof traffic congestion, lack of publicity, low service quality, the forest park didn’t playits proper function. Accordingly, the article put forward the correspondingdevelopment strategy.Through the above analysis and evaluation, at last the paper provides the solution for the problems in the tourism of Lanzhou : to strengthen the old area, oldenvironmental management of tourism attractions, to enhance the development of newscenic spots, to promote the optimization and upgrading of tourism products, todevelop the "two mountains" ,the "two streets" and the three regional Tourism.Therefor ,the tourist city image of Lanzhou will be vigorously promoted.

  • 【分类号】F592.7
  • 【被引频次】7
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