

Analysis on Ecological Environment Change Based on GIS and RS in Karamay City

【作者】 高雅洁

【导师】 崔彩霞;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 位于典型荒漠环境中的克拉玛依市是依托石油开采而发展起来的城市。城市发展初期,往往不顾及对生态环境的影响大力发展经济,但在城市发展到一定阶段,政府及公众注意到环境问题后,又会采取各种措施对生态环境进行恢复及保护。论文以揭示克拉玛依市工业化发展过程中生态环境的若干表征要素的变化事实为研究目的。以不同年代Landsat卫星影像、MODIS衍生产品等多源卫星资料,借助GIS数据分析处理平台,以荒漠化指数作为指标分析了克拉玛依市的荒漠化现状,以植被、水体面积及土地利用/土地覆盖为指标,分析了1970年代以来,克拉玛依市的植被和水体变化。结合社会经济发展数据和气候因子的长序列变化,初步分析了克拉玛依市部分生态环境表征因子变化的原因。具体结论如下:(1)克拉玛依市2/3以上的土地属于中度以上荒漠化土地,其中重度荒漠化土地占42%。(2)1975~1989年间,克拉玛依市98%的地区植被覆盖变差;1989~2000年间58.3%的地区的植被覆盖转好;2000~2009年间,97.6%的地区的植被覆盖情况转好,且第四级茂密植被区面积大幅增加,增长了620.48km2。(3)1975~1989年期间,水体总量呈减少趋势,面积减少了25.23 km2;1989~2000年间,水体总量上升,面积增加了36.05 km2;2000~2009年间,水体面积明显增加,增加面积为58.63 km2,艾里克湖面积恢复,并超过原湖面积。(4)2000年后,克拉玛依市土地类型以裸地、耕地为主,2000~2009年裸地的比例减少了5.92%;耕地比例增加了5.38%。(5)克拉玛依市经济以石油产业为支柱,农牧业在国民生产总值中所占比重很小;克拉玛依城市建设经历了两个阶段:第一阶段为1956~1978年,先油田生产,后生活后勤,致使城市建设速度缓慢。第二阶段为1978~1992年,在加快城市建设的同时注重环境保护和恢复,特别是大生态农业区建设很大程度上改善了生态环境。(6)近50年克拉玛依市气温呈线性上升,增长率为0.3℃/10a。1980年代增温幅度最大,较1970年代增加为0.5℃;年降水量呈上升趋势,增长率为0.9mm/10a。1980年代降水迅速增加,较1970年代增加了22.4mm;大风日数呈递减趋势,下降率为0.7次/10a。1980年代递减最为明显,较1970年代减少101次。(7)城市发展及人口增加对资源环境造成的压力使生态环境遭到一定的破坏,特别是在脆弱的荒漠环境背景下。而降水增加和北水南调带来的地表水资源,更重要的是生态环境保护意识的觉醒是近年来克拉玛依市生态环境向好发展的原因。

【Abstract】 Karamay is a typical desert environment city developed by oil exploitation and production. At the early stage of urban development, ecological environment impacts were often overlooked in the face of city economy development. But when it comes to a certain stage of urban development, after government and public attention has been paid after the environment, people will take various measures for restoration and protection. Research purpose is the revelation on the changes of indicator elements on elcoloical field during the industrialization of Karamay. By using GIS data analytical platform, satellite information such as years of Landsat satellite images, MODIS derived products was examined. The desertification situation of Karamay is analyzed by using the desertification index as an indicator. The plantation and water fluctuation in Karamay region since the 1970s is analyzed by using the coverage of plantation and water as indicator. Combining the social economical development data and the long sequential changes of climatic factors, a preliminary analysis of the reasons responsible for the changes of ecological indicators in Karamay is deduced as the following conclusions:(1)Two thirds of the land in Karamay region are moderate to severe decertification, among which are 42% is severe desiccated land.(2)From 1975 to 1989, 98% of Karamay region plantation coverage worsened; and 58.3% plantation coverage became better from 1989 to 2000; And from 2000 to 2009, 97.6% of the area plantation coverage progressed better, and coverage of fourth grade dense plantation increased by 620.48km2.(3)In the period of 1975 to 1989, the water volume decreased by 25.23 km2; From 1989 to 2000, it increased by 36.05 km2; A significantly increase of 58.63 km2 was witnessed during 2000 to 2009. Alice Lake was recovered and gets more than before.(4)After 2000, Karamay land was mainly bare land and farm land. From 2000 to 2009, the proportion of bare ground decreased by 5.92% while that of farmland increased by 5.38%.(5)Karamay oil industry as the pillar of the economy when agriculture and animal husbandry contribute a small proportion to GDP. Two stages were fromed in Karamay city development. One: from 1956 to 1978, oil production developed further than living support, resulted a slow urbanization. Two: from 1978 to 1992, while environmental protection and restoration were focused during the urbanization, in particular, the construction of a large agricultural area largely improved the ecological environment.(6)Temperatures of Karamay experienced a roughly linear increase in growth rate of 0.3℃/ 10a in the past 50 years. The biggest increase occurred in 1980s which is 0.5℃higher than 1970s. Annual precipitation increased at a rate of 0.9mm/10a. Rapid increase in 1980s was higher to 1970 by 22.4mm. Gale days showed a decreasing trend at rate of 0.7 times / 10a when 1980s is 101 times less than that in 1970s.(7)Urbanization, population increase and pressures on resources exploitation brought damages to ecological environment, especially in fragile desert environment. However, the increase of precipitation, water transportation from the north to south as well as the awareness of ecological and environmental protection are the main reasons for the better development of the ecological environment in Karamay in recent years.

【关键词】 遥感地理信息系统克拉玛依市生态环境
【Key words】 RSGISKaramay CityEcological Environment
  • 【分类号】Q14;P208;P237
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】262
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