

Study on Bottom Topography of Ebinur Based on Remote Sensing Technology

【作者】 吴成永

【导师】 陈蜀江;

【作者基本信息】 新疆师范大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 遥感具有覆盖面广、较强的实效性、经济性和获取方便等优点,可以实现水深的宏观动态观测。通过遥感反演,能够在像元级尺度上对面宽、水浅、水位变化大,交通不便的干旱区草型湖泊水底地形进行动态地监测。本文在水体遥感理论的基础上,通过实测水深与ASTER影像相关分析,确定了ASTER反演艾比湖水深的最佳波段为波段1(0.52~0.60μm)。构建了水深遥感反演模型Z = 2.5983x~2—57.069x+312.98,R~2 =0.8652,x为波段1的自然对数。反演结果表明,全湖平均水深0.94m,最大水深3.68 m。通过典型实测水深数据进行了验证,绝对误差在-0.36~0.20m之间,平均误差为0.03m,模型可以用于艾比湖遥感水深反演。湖面高程减去水深DTM,构建了艾比湖水底地形DEM,并通过空间分析,得出以下结论:全湖长度大于850m的水下沙堤共38条。博尔塔拉河河口三角洲,面积0.39km~2。精河两条支流形成一大一小的扇型河口三角洲,面积分别为0.23,0.79 km~2。艾比湖湖水蓄积量为8.26亿m~3,构建了水位—蓄水量模型V = 1.0241h~2 - 381.08h + 35452,R~2 = 0.9994,h≤189。水面面积—蓄水量模型V= 5E-05 S~2 - 0.0091 S + 0.5316,R~2 = 0.9846,S< 550。V为蓄水量(亿m~3),S为水面面积(km~2),h为水位高程(m)。预测出湖体萎缩状况。当水面高程188.38m,水面面积450.00km~2时,蓄水量3.91亿m~3,水深最小值0.06m,最大值3.68m,平均1.85m。湖东南和西北部出露,其中,湖东南部将演变为面积67.68 km~2,呈新月状的干涸湖底。当水面高程187.00m,水面189.84km~2时,水深最小值1.18m,最大值3.60m,平均2.43m,蓄水量0.81亿m~3。湖体退缩至以点(655981,4971925,大致为湖体中央)为中心,长轴(长约23.5Km),短轴(长约7.7Km)的椭圆形区域内(海拔185.52~187.00m)。当水面高程186.00m,水面面积10.96km~2时,水深最小值0.63m,最大值3.51m,平均2.61m,蓄水量0.03亿m~3,湖体退缩至精河口水下洼地,基本干涸。湖体长、短轴方向上,水底地形坡度的最大值、平均值、标准差分别为1.23~0、0.13~0, 0.11与1.46~0、0.16~0, 0.14。各项统计指标,短轴方向NS均大于长轴方向EW,表明短轴方向上水底地形起伏较大,地形较破碎,这也充分说明长轴方向EW塑造水底地形的主动力为来自阿拉山口盛行西北风。

【Abstract】 The remote-sensing with inexpensive, rich in widely coverage, stronger actual effect, easily date acquisition etc can achieve the marco-observation of water depth . By the technique of which remote-sensing Inversion, the bottom topography of macrophytic lakes in concerning the factors of the wide water region, shallow water, changeable water level , inconvenient located arid area can be conducted dynamic monitoring with image size.This paper based on the theory of remote-sensing for water, by actually measuring water depth and ASTER images correlation analysis, confirmed that the best wave band of the water depth on ASTER inversion Ebinur lake is band one (0.52-0.60μm), constructed a water depth of remote sensing inversion model Z = 2.5983x~2—57.069x +312.98,“x”is bond , one of natural logarithms. The inversion indicate that the modelcan be used in Remote Sensing inversion of Ebinur lakes in the average water depth of lake 0.94m,the deepest is 3.68 m . Those have been already proved by practice measure water depth. The absolute value error is 0.03m .The lake surface depth deducts the water depth. Building a whole lake bottom topography DEM and getting the result by analyzing the spare as following :The lake have the 38 piece of sand bar in the over 850 meters lengthier in whole lake. Bortala River estuarine delta covers 0.39 km~2. The two anabranch of Jin river formed fan shape estuary delta, in which one is large and another one is small, those are 0.23,0.79km~2.The Ebinur lakes water storage is 8.26 hundred millions m~3 ,Building the storage model on water level : V = 1.0241h2 - 381.08h + 35,R2 = 0.9994,h≤189. and V= 5E-05 S~2 - 0.0091 S + 0.5316,R2 = 0.9846,S< 550, V is storage capacity(hundred million m~3),S is water surface area(km~2),H is height of the water level(m).Showing the condition of the lake atrophy when the height of the water level is 188.38m, water surface area 450 km~2, storage capacity is 3.91 hundred millions m~3, the maximum value of water depth is 3.68m, minimum is 0.06m,mean is 1.85m. The east-south part of the lake is show off. in witch it will change to the area 67.68 km~2, the shape looks like crescent dry bottom. When the height of the water level is 187.00m,water surface area 189.84km~2 ,the storage capacity is 0.81 hundred millions m~3,the maximum value of water depth is 3.60m, minimum is1.18m,mean is 2.43m.The average lake drop to the point (655981,4971925 )is as a lake center the long axis is 23.5Km,short axis 7.7Km.within ellipse area(the elevation 185.52—187.00m) and along the Bortala river, Jin river banks, the average lake drop to main hollow under water . When the height of the water level is186 m water surface area 10.96 km~2 ,the storage capacity is0.03 hundred millions m~3, the maximum value of water depth is 3.51m, minimum is 2.61m,mean is 2.61m. lake is almost dry.The maximum gradient is 1.46~0, average one 0.16~0, standard deviation is 0.16~0,at short axis direction in bottom topography section. At long axis direction, the maximum gradient is 1.23~0,average one0.13~0, standard deviation is 0.11,all the statistical summary shows that the short axis direction NS is bigger than the long axis EW, which indicate that the fluctuate of bottom topography is bigger and more crisp in short axis direction, those also fully prove that the main power of long axis direction EW that build the bottom come from Alataw Pass that is prevalence north.
