

【作者】 张迪

【导师】 吴永军;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 学习是人的立足之本,而学会学习更是时代的诉求,是人类可持续发展的不竭动力。在新课程改革的背景下,小班教学悄然而生,被称为是“一场静悄悄的革命”,在理论和实践上为学生的发展创造了良好的契机。众所周知,课堂教学包括教师与学生的双边活动,无论缺少谁,课堂的生命意味就有所欠缺。为了更深刻地透视小班化教学改革,本文以小班教学中学生学习行为作为研究基点,关注小班教学中学生学习行为真实的展丌过程,并对此进行深入研究。在文献梳理的基础上,笔者确定了本研究的切入点,从学习行为本身出发,运用质的研究方法对一所实施小班教学的学校进行个案研究。通过对教学现场的深入观察,结合文献资料与观察资料,根据学习行为的具体表象将其归类,提炼与概括其行为品质,以此作为论文进一步研究的客观依据。在此基础上,笔者从课堂学习行为的共性出发,探寻其所存的问题,并对问题进行整体分析,从外部和内部两个层面探讨学习行为的影响因素,由表及里,层层推进。最后笔者初步构建了优化学习行为的策略,不仅关注课堂的实践层面,而且对教师观念层面和课堂环境层面也做以阐述,以期促使每一个学生都能得到适性地发展。学习行为是一个复杂的系统,又是学习活动得以展丌的重要组成部分。因此,优化学习行为,对学习行为进行指导是促使学生学会学习的必要前提,理应得到人们的日益关注,促使其从实然走向应然。

【Abstract】 Learning is the base of human existence, but learning how to learn is not only the requirement of the times, also the force of human sustainable development. Under the new curriculum reform, the small-class teaching called a silence revolution came about stealthily; this made a better opportunity for student development on both theory and practice. As we all known, teaching included both teachers and students’ activities. No matter which one was absent would make the classroom short of the living meanings. In order to view the reform of small-class teaching deeply, the paper took the students learning behavior in smaller class as a research base, cared about the process, and then made a further research.Based on the Literature reviewing, the researcher determined the entry point of the paper. From the learning behavior itself, the researcher made a "qualitative research" in a primary school which has implemented the small-class teaching. Through observing the teaching field, combining documents with observations, the research classified the learning behavior, and then summarized its feature, as the theoretical basis for the further research. On this basis, from the common of learning behavior, the researcher inquired and analyzed its problems, then discussed the influencing factors from two perspectives:external and internal. Lastly, the researcher preliminarily constructed the optimized learning behavior strategy, which not only focused the class practice, but also the conception and institution. Learning behavior was a complex system, and also the important component of learning activities. Therefore, optimizing and guiding the learning behavior was the necessary premise to promote students learn how to learn, which should deserve people more and more attention, and urged it from actuality to ideality.
