

【作者】 程路

【导师】 尹宗利;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 教育是教师和学生在互动中实现的,本文借助生态学中的生态位理论,运用跨学科的视角,剖析教育个案的师生互动过程。生态位是现代生态学理论的一个关键点,学校作为一个教育生态系统,用生态学理论剖析便顺理成章了。依据生态学的定义,生态系统应分为无机环境和生物群落两方面。介于于学校教育生态系统的特殊性,在本研究中将无机环境转化为环境因素,借此更好的阐述教师和学生种群的生态位变迁情况。在学校生态系统中环境因素的呈现上,本文先宏观对E中的整体环境做了介绍,以呈现出一个宏观的学校教育系统形象。接着对于教师办公室环境也中观地展示,分析教师所处的环境状况。最后从微观上对本研究中的个案初一8班的具体环境做了描述。从学校生态系统各组分的作用来看,学校生态系统中的教师和学生作为两个不同的种群,分别承担了生态系统中的生产者和消费者。教师种群中的班主任、主科任课教师、小学科任课教师和非考试科目任课教师四个亚种群,依据其在本研究中占据的班级中的实际权重分别进行探讨。学生种群中的尖子生、班干部和特长生亚种群,以其占主要的生态因子不同为划分依据。要特别提出的是,男/女生亚种群作为本研究中学生种群中的特例,因其性别生态因子也成为研究中的亮点。最后,本研究又回到学校生态系统的内在机制,即各生态位变迁的原因进行探讨,依据各事件中所占主导作用的因素分为物质循环、能量流动和信息传递三个方面。学校具体的班级值周和校园安全的应急处理,以其循环往复性成为物质循环的佐证,家长会和文化艺术节更多的反映学校中各种群间能量流动的关系,而通过学校偶发事件中各种群的反应和处理,它既反应了社会信息对学校教育系统的影响和辐射,也描述了学校内部各种群之间的权衡和博弈。虽然青少年容易过激具有偶然性,也反应了社会大潮中学校中此类事件发生的必然性。师生互动是教育中深受关注的一个问题,本研究用教育之外的理论来看教育之内的问题,貌似有些唐突和生涩,但不失为作为研究尝试的一个成果。跨学科的视角让思维跳脱,而微观的个案研究式的实证研究让本文得以脚踏实地。

【Abstract】 Education is an implementation between the interaction of teachers and students. This thesis is based on the theory of ecological niche, and analyzes the education case of interaction process by the interdisciplinary perspective. Niche is a key point of modern ecology theory, and the school can be regarded as an education ecological system, so we analyze it by the ecology theory. Based on the definition of ecology, the ecosystem consists of inorganic environment and biological communities. Because of the specificity of the school ecosystem, inorganic environment is changed into environmental factors, which will explain the niche changing of the teachers and students populations well in this study.On the presentation of environmental factors in school Ecosystem, firstly, in order to present an image of the school education system as a whole, the environment of E has been described in this thesis. Then, the office environment for teachers is showed in the view, analyzing environmental conditions of the teachers. Finally, the specific environment of class Z grade seven, which is a case in the thesis, is described microcosmically.From angle of the function of the components in school ecosystem, the teachers and students, as different species in school ecology system, can be regarded as producers and consumers in the ecosystem severally. Head teacher, main-subject teachers, small-subject teachers and non-examination-subject teachers in the teacher population are four sub-populations of teachers, according to their occupied in this study, and their actual weights in class Z are discussed separately. Top students, class leaders, and talented students in the student population are different section for class, accounting for their main ecological factors. The male/female sub-populations of students are highlighted in this special case because of their ecological factors.Finally, the thesis goes back to the internal mechanism of school eco-system that causes changes in the niche, based on the events leading role factors of three aspects including material cycle, energy flow and information transfer. The school week of every class and campus security emergency are specified as material cycle. Parents meeting and the art festival reflect the schools in energy flow between various groups. And occasional event reflects information transfer through the response of school and various groups. It not only reflects the social information of school education system, but also describes the various groups within school and the trade-off among the groups. Although that young people become excited easily is fortuitous, it also reflects the inevitability trend of school community as such occurrences.Teacher-student interaction is a concerning issue of education, and this research use the theory out of education to discuss the educational problem, which seems brusque and crude, but it is also a result of research attempt. We see some difference by the inter-disciplinary perspective, while microscopic case studies of empirical studies let this thesis in a down-to-earth way.
