

【作者】 赵金波

【导师】 翟玉章;

【作者基本信息】 南京师范大学 , 科学技术哲学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 归纳问题是科学哲学上的一个重要问题。自从休谟提出归纳问题以来,如何解决这一问题对哲学家提出了挑战,包括休谟在内的许多哲学家倾注了大量心血,他们从各个不同的立场和角度来回应这一挑战,但至今仍无一令人信服的解决方案。本文主要集中在哲学家蒯因对归纳问题所做的探讨。首先以前面哲学家对归纳所做的辩护方案为切入点,通过对归纳问题的提出和归纳辩护不成功性进行梳理,反思解决归纳问题辩护方案的问题所在,并针对归纳辩护的不成功性提出另一种解决的方法,对归纳合理性提供一种自然主义解决方案。它主要包括整体主义知识论和自然化认识论的主要内容。蒯因认为,归纳就是期待相似的事物有相似的表现;更准确的说,期待我们已经看出充分相似的事物会在其他方面也表现出相似性,是基于知觉相似性的先天标准而形成习惯的过程。并且认为人类的先天的主观性质的划分是自然选择的结果,因为我们的归纳实践已经证明了运用归纳的合理性,正是在此种意义上,利用进化论可以为运用归纳作出充分的说明。

【Abstract】 The problem of induction is an important problem in the philosophy of science. Since Hume posed this question, how to solve this problem posed a challenge to the philosopher. Many philosophers, including Hume, made painstaking efforts to respond to this challenge from the perspective of various different positions. However, there is still no a convincing solution.This article mainly focuses on Quine’s view of the problem of induction. First, taking former philosophers’solutions of justifications of induction as the starting point, with the advance of the problem of induction and failure of justifications of induction, the paper reflects the problem of justifications of induction and takes a different approach to the problem, which provided a naturalistic solution for inductive rationality. It includes main content of holistic and naturalized epistemology. Quine considered that induction is the expectation that similar things will behave similarly; more precisely, we expect to see things in the full also show similar in other areas. It is a process of forming habits which is based on a priori criteria of perceptual similarity. The division of human innate subjective nature is the result of natural selection, because our practice has proven inductive rationality of induction. It is in this sense that the use of evolution to justify the induction theory can be fully explained.

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